This whole experience has made me realize a few things. I would like to share them with you.
♥ Hospitals are not run like Grey's Anatomy.

I was in the hospital for a week, I never saw McDreamy, McSteamy, none of the nurses were "Supermodel" material, and from my observations, none of them were sleeping with each other. Hmmm, I was very disappointed.
♥ When the 18 year old nurse from the lab says "Little Poke", she is lying!

There was one nurse in particular who I believe needs a little more schooling before she is allowed to poke anymore people. I had my blood taken every 6 hours for 6 days, nobody else hurt me like she did. Every time I saw her come in (probably 4 times) I felt like I was in some horror movie.
♥ Neck surgery affects every part of your body.

I have highlighted the parts of my body that are now numb. The skin may be numb, but everything underneath the highlighted areas throbs with intense pain. Who would have thought I would be going to Physical Therapy for my shoulder after all this? I thought I was having neck surgery!
♥ Weight Gain.

Even when you are overly medicated for your thyroid condition (not having one), one will still gain weight if all you are eating are Snickers Apples from Heidi's Fudge. Thanks Chris and Cindy!
♥ My Husband is my Hero
Slept in a chair for 4 nights, and still managed to get up at 5am to go to work. Helped me to the bathroom every 2 hours all 4 nights. Washed my hair, bathed me, fluffed my pillows, held my throw up bucket, got me drinks, ran my online store, held my hand and listened to me cry. He told me numerous times he would switch places with me if he could. My Hero. I love you Babe!
♥ Life is hard with them, but unbearable without them!
Not being able to take care of my little stinker's has been the worst part of this ordeal. I can't even hug them. I know I may have complained a lot in the past about how hard it is to be a mother, but I will complain no more. It is much harder to not be a mother!
Mom, Please bring our little Brookelle home!
Hang in there! I have thought about you guys tons and my prayers are with you. The Byram's always kick cancers butt! :)
Alright... well, now you got me cryin'! I'm so proud of Vince for what he's done for you. BOTH of you are my heroes!
We Love you Angie!
wow angie... you are a rockstar. I am amazed by you. Thank you for making me realize how wonderful it is to be a mother. I'm sorry you are in pain. I can't believe everything you are going through.
Hey- I'm so glad to hear that Vince is taking care of you! And so sad to hear that everything you see on TV isn't true.
We are thinking and praying for you!
Hang in there, Brooky is coming home today. I'm afraid to tell you that the Behunin kids have already corrupted her.
Angie! Holy cow!! I haven't been on here for a while I guess. I can't believe what is going on. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I love that you haven't lost your sense of humor! :) My goodness...Wow. You are my hero.
p.s. You look so good. You roll off a hospital bed with a huge scar looking really pretty! :)
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