Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well, after a near 7 hour surgery, 5 days in the "Hostabil" (according to Jack), a few complications, and one wicked scar.....

I am finally home!

Here is a little review of what went down this week:
At Vince's request, I have not included any pictures


Surgery at noon, I was terrified! Woke up at 7:30pm in the ICU with a billion tubes and wires hooked up to me. Including a tube coming out of the center of my neck (I did not handle this well). The cancer had spread clear up my neck to my ear, so my Dr. spent a lot of time clearing out the cancer. I am basically missing half my neck. The left half of my face, neck and shoulder and upper arm are completely numb and the Dr. says that some of the feeling might come back eventually, but there are parts that will be numb forever.


I was moved out of the ICU and had to ride in a wheelchair. It completely wore me out and I could hardly move the rest of the day. I am having a very difficult time holding up my head, so a 45 second ride in a chair was sooooo hard! I am a complete bobble head.


I was having chest pains, so an EKG was ordered. My calcium levels continued to drop. When they removed my thyroid my parathyroid glands were also removed. Those glands regulate calcium levels in your body. Apparently low calcium causes Charley Horses in major organs and can kill you. So, they took my blood every 6 hours to test levels, not fun! They also removed my neck tube that night, hurray!


My best day! I actually got out of bed and walked to the Nurse's Station and back and ate something.


I am doing soooo much better at home, and I actually got some sleep last night. I still have to go and have my blood levels checked a couple times this week, but everything seems to be going well. I am hoping the hard part is over.

Thanks everyone for all the love, it really helped me to get through all this. I have the best Mother and Mother-in-law in the world! And the most amazing Husband. Vince stayed in the hospital every night and even washed my hair last night. Now that's love baby!


charm said...

I'm sooooo glad you're home, Ange! I've been thinking about you so much this week! I debated comin' to visit at the "hostabil", but I didn't want to bug you... and Linds said you had a MILLION visitors when they went. (You DO realize how loved you are, right?) I'll give you a call tomorrow, so I can come and do something to help! -k-
P.S. Cannon calls it the "hostible". KIDS! :)

Audrey said...

Angie! I can't imagine. I'm am so happy you are safe and in total awe that you seem to be handling this so well. Please feel better FAST!

Kent/Sue Adams said...

Angie We love you and are thinking of you! We are keeping you in our prayers! Love You! PS I got to talk to Jack on the phone the other day he is SO CUTE!!!

The Taylor's said...

Angie- We were in Bear Lake all last week & found out about everything on Saturday. I'm so glad that things went well and that they got all that dang cancer. CANCER just SUCKS! I was devistated for you when we heard the news & completely shocked- we know all the emotions that surround it. Are you up for visitors at home or what is your recovery going to be like? If your appointments are up here, I'd be more than happy to have your kids come play. We are willing to help in whatever way, please let us know.