No, this was not done by a Ruggedly Handsome Vampire.
Today I had a Dr. appointment, so I had to get dressed. We decided this picture was not quite as hideous as the pictures my mother took of me dying in the hospital. So due to popular demand......Here it is!
I only suggest zooming in to those of you who have strong stomachs!
The stitches go up behind my ear, and the little hole at the bottom of my throat is where the tube was. As you can skin is also turning a beautiful shade of yellow. So Glamorous!
Ang- it looks much better than what I thought it might be. Once the stiches are out and it heals a bit, it won't be that bad. It's all relative- you'd rather have a scar than cancer anyday. I'm so glad they were able to take care of things with surgery- a couple month ordeal is better than a couple year or lifetime ordeal.
Wow - Angie - what a time to be joining your blog! =)
I had no idea you were going through this - I will be sending warm thoughts and prayers your way.
Hope you are feeling better soon. My good friend in Boston (who is our age) just went through the exact same procedure for the exact same cancer last year. She's doing well now.
Anyway, I hope you get feeling better soon - you look great, and your scar looks like it will heal up really well. I had surgery on my leg a few years ago that left a 7 ince scar down the front of my leg. I thought it would be visible forever but now you can hardly even see it!
Take care!
I only say this because I know you have a good attitude about all of this but, when I first saw your 'after' picture....I immediatly thought I Sally from the Corpse Bride:)
Now we need a picture of the "after-stitches" Angie. :) Oh, I just bet it feels sooooooo good to have those darn things out!
At first I thought it was a necklace, you wear it very well! :)
I had no idea you were going through this. I am so sorry. I think your scar looks great much better than I would think it would look after all that. You look gorgeous even with 10,000 stitches. Wishing you all the best.
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