Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today I am missing a few things....

Being able to go outside and enjoy these last few weeks of summer.

Being able to do my hair. It is amazing how difficult it is to do your hair with one arm, and not being able to turn your head.

The Gym. Oh, how I miss the Gym.

And this sweet face!
Can you believe my mother kidnapped her all the way to Utah. Our family just isn't the same.

And most of all, I miss being able to take care of my family. It is so hard for me to let someone else do it. Hopefully I will recover soon, and I can have my little ones back!
Note to Mom: Don't get too attached


Chris and Cindy said...

Hi Angie... that makes me sad... I know exactly how you feel. It is soooo hard not to be able to take care of your own kids. Hang in there! Brooke is too cute in those pictures!

Katherine said...
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Kent/Sue Adams said...

Hey Angie! Enjoy your time to rest and take advantage of the time to get feeling better. The kids will want your 100% full attention when you get better. We love your little kids how about sending them to Washington???

Cunning said...

Hey Angie- I hope youa re doing so well!

And I must say that I am so impressed that you miss the gym. In an effort to make you feel better about not going, I won't go on your behalf :)

The Taylor's said...

It's the little things in life that really matter most huh? Hang in there Ang- just pretend you're on a really cool vacation.

Nichole said...

I am so sorry and will be thinking of you often. Your kids will love the little holiday with grandma and they could not be in better hands. Take care of yourself Angie!

Brittney said...

if you were near I would come do your hair. Where do you guys live anyway? I am glad you are feeling better though and are home. I've been thinking about you so much. send me your email so we can keep in touch better

Paige said...

I'm sorry your missing so many things right now...especially your little girl. Good thing you have a good mom you can trust her with.

When I had my surgery on my leg I couldn't work out and got fat...I still haven't recovered. Just go easy on those symphony bars. That's what got me. :)