Wednesday, December 23, 2015

ER Visit

 The day we announced my big close out sale, I woke up super sick. 
I couldn't breathe and my chest hurt really bad. 

I thought for sure I had Pneumonia. I called Vince home from work and he took me to the doc. Grandma Jane stayed with the kids.

The first place we went had a 45 minute wait, and I pretty much thought I was dying, so after waiting 10 minutes we left and went to the other Doc in Rigby. We walked right in. They decided that I was having a blood clot in my lungs, so they told us to go the ER. 

So up to Rexburg we went, where I got to undergo LOTS of tests! No blood clot, no heart attack, no pneumonia. After drinking a nasty Esophageal Cocktail called  Pink Lady, they determined that I was having some kind of Esophagus problem. 

It went away and we went home. What a freakin day!