I am struggling, but at least I am strong enough to admit it.
When first diagnosed, I thought "No big deal."
After Surgery, I thought "Wow, that was crappy!"
When Radiation Started, I said "I can get through this."
Now, I am thinking "How am I going to get through this."
I am currently on the Thyroid....

I'm up, down, side to side, basically all over the place!
Until all the cancer cells have died (about 1-2 years) I will be unstable.
More unstable than I was before? Now that's SPOOKY!

So until then, I will just hold on.
It isn't fun, but it's necessary. I guess I will endure, so I can see my grandkids one day. I keep waiting for Vince to jump ship on me, heaven knows this isn't easy for him. He is a peach. I know he didn't sign up for a Crazy Wife, but he is doing what he can to keep me sane.
Thanks everyone for all the love a support, every little bit helps a ton.
Okay, this post is totally depressing. On a lighter/cuter note:
There's nothing cuter than two little pumpkins and two boys in camo pants!
Hey Chica,
I read this yesterday and I think I remember it being a little different, or maybe not, and I'm just up in the night. Either way, I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you!
I also wanted to let you know that the stuff you may have said about your shoulder (if I am not imagining things) :) made me think about some of the things that we are learning about right now in school. I am going to ask some of my professors if they know of any things that may help with your shoulder and clavicle... I figure if your insurance wont help with physical therapy maybe one of your best friends who is trying to grow up and be one can help! No guarantees, but I will see if I can find anything out. And on a side note, usually nerves are super sensitive when they are growing back until they get into their correct places and all wrapped up the way they are supposed to be... so think of it as a good thing that your whole shoulder is super sensitive, it should mean that your body is trying to fix all that mumbo jumbo nerve destruction that went on in the surgery!
Good luck with everything and I will hopefully get back to you soon with some good news!
Love ya!
PS- I don't know how these blog things work, but if you can make it so that not everyone can read this comment that is totally fine with me. I would have emailed you, but I don't think I have your email address anymore.
Wow, you are just amazing through all of this, I can't believe your attitude. I totally agree - your grandkids are SO worth it! I'm sure it's such a roller coaster (anyone who's had a baby knows what it's like to have your hormones and body chemistry changed on you - it's like you don't even know yourself!). I'm so glad that you have such a supportive husband and two darling kids cheering you on - and we're cheering you on over here, crazy lady or not!
Holy cow! You are my hero. Every time I am having a bad day I read your blog. It always makes me so grateful for my kids. I am grateful that I am healthy. If nothing else you have made me more grateful. I am so impressed by you.... you are so strong. Way to go Angie! Hang in there you will get through it.
oh angie, i am so sorry you are going through this. i can't even imagine how hard this is on you but know that we pray for you often and you are always in our thoughts. :)
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