Friday, October 2, 2009

Gift Idea

Vince has been so amazing the past few months. He has put up with me through many breakdowns. I was thinking about getting him something special as a Thank You, what do you think?

Okay, please know that I am TOTALLY kidding.

I saw this gem yesterday and had to share.

My favorite part is that the man on the commercial is NOT kidding. How better to support your president than buying a plant that looks like him, and then cutting his hair. So Patriotic.

I have nothing better to do than sit around and watch TV, I and swear I have seen this commercial 10+ times in the last 2 days. I love it.


Katherine said...

So if my Chiaobama represents "Liberty, opportunity, prosperity and hope" (Direct quote from the commercial) what happens when it dies? Does that mean America will die also? Or Obama? haha. Great way to represent your country

charm said...

LOL! That's hilarious! I think it's so funny when that commercial comes on too.... especially funny to think that there are probably so many people out there who have ordered it, and not as a joke! I'm sorry you've been sick, Angie. I guess it's not so fun to be "glowing". I'm super glad, though, that you don't have to be locked in your room! I hope you get feelin' better soon, and can't wait for us to be able to go out to dinner together again!!