Because is it time for RADIATION!
You may be thinking, "Hmmm, isn't Radiation a bad thing?"
Not for me. After 4 weeks on an extremely icky diet, my iodine levels are low enough to begin Radiation treatments. My doctor wanted them down to 100, and I got them to 53, Uh huh, That's Right!
So here is the 411 on my Radiation:
Sunday: Take my kids to Utah and leave them, this will probably be the worst part.
Monday: Go to the hospital to receive a shot to kill all the thyroid hormone in my body.
Tuesday: Got to the hospital to receive the second dose of the shot.
Wednesday: Go the the Nuclear Medication department of the Hospital (Yes, there actually is one) to receive my Radiation Pill.
Wednesday-Saturday October 10th: This will be when I go crazy. Locked in my room, no human contact for 10 days.
Lot of people have been asking what you can do for me during this time, I do know of one thing....
I will have a computer to communicate with the outside world, and would love to read about the fun that is going on outside my bedroom. So please, update frequently! Other than that, if you have any good movies (I haven't seen a movie in about a year, so anything new would be awesome), or some good sewing patterns (I am going to do A LOT of sewing) you are willing to lend out, that would be great!
Like I said before, you can expect lots of updates from me next week, as I will have NOTHING else to do!

Oh yeah, and I cut my hair off! Hey, Nice Scar.
I've got sewing patterns coming out my ears- email me your address and they are yours!
good luck!
Hey- Your hair looks adorable! And you look great! Good luck next week. Just try enjoy a quiet house for a few days!! Congrats on the diet you did great! We Love You!
Slam the door and don't let it back in! Yea!
Hey, leaving the children with me won't be the worst part(remember the needles)! It's play time for me!!!
You could work on getting your blog slurped to and ready to print out into a book (that's what I would do if I had a week with just me and my computer). I have 2007 printed, but can't seem to finish up the last little bit to print off 2008.
You've seen Dan in Real Life, right? Just caught it again on TV the other night. I seriously think it is one of the funniest movies of all time.
Good luck and keep us updated.
p.s. Here's another blog for your reading pleasure. Because we all know blog surfing can easily eat up hours and hours of a day. She post's nearly every day....and cracks me up.
You are so funny. Laugh it off right? Eviction notice was too clever.'ll be at home, but can't come out no matter what? Will Vince be there? How will you eat? That would be interesting. Here's my best suggestions.
1. Go to every link on every blog down your list. That chain could last forever.
2. Then, comment on every blog you go to.
3. Update every half hour on facebook.
4.Find some interesting chat room?
or maybe something productive like write your life history or sew Brooks next years wardrobe or make really cool Halloween costumes.
Hey Angie! I love reading your updates, good luck next week, I will be thinking about you and praying for you! Check out nieniedialouges.blogspot, she is fantastic!
Oh, Ange.... you are AWESOME! I can't believe how low your levels are... WOW! Good job! (I loved your eviction letter too... so funny!) I will definitely update my blog... just for you!! (Oh, and if you want an addictive game on Facebook, start playing Farm Town!! An AMAZING time waster!--just ask Devin)
FYI about the radiation pill, it is a regular little pill and it comes in a thick plastic container that is about 12 inches long. The nurse won't touch it, wears gloves and uses a ten foot pole to hand it to you. They then expect you to swallow it. Swallow something they won't even touch, it took some serious freaking convincing to get me to obey. But then you glow in the dark and that parts fun.
Good luck girl, I'll be thinking about you and praying for you. Mostly to survive with out your kids but for the radiation too.:)
NOw I have a reason to update. I'll get right on it.
Love the hair! You can come travel with me anytime. Call my mom and tell her you will need meals for the next month :) We'll be thinking of you!
I can't wait to see all your projects. It was good to see you this weekend.
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