Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What a Weekend!

Yellowstone, Horses,Four-Wheeling, Swimming & Bear World!

My fam traveled up from Utah for some good old Idaho fun!
Bear World was so fun! Jack rode a roller coaster and carnival rides for the first time.
(I think I was more scared than he was.)

My Dad helped him feed a goat in the Petting Zoo, and let him take a stab at driving through the park.

We also went on the truck to feed the bears, it was great!
The first bear is eating a piece of bread from us, and the second bear was my favorite!

And now for two ladies who really didn't want to ride....
But we did it, with large amounts of pressure from George.

All the kids had a great time riding horses at Grandpa George's.

Oh, I can't forget Baby Lilly!
Liz was brave enough to let Brooke hold newborn Lilly, I know, she's crazy!
Luckily all eyes were still functioning properly when Brooke was done.


Kent/Sue Adams said...

Oh It looks like you had a great weekend! Definatly an Idaho Weekend! Horses and everything! I cant believe how big jack is!!!

Marci said...

oh the good times of idaho. I love those welcome to idaho moments. haha. That is really fun that your family got to come up and spend time! Tell Liz congrats from me on the new little one, she is adorable!