Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Who Knew

 Who knew that Jack would actually dress up for clown day at Preschool.


Who Knew Brookie would need to be involved too!
 Who knew that on September 29th we would be able to swim in the backyard?

Who knew that these two rascals would go to the Dentist today and come home cavity free!
 Who knew that Vince and I would produce children that are born with only 1/2 their teeth?  It's true.

 Who knew Brooke's swim suit could make me want to eat her up!


Karla said...

Okay, I think Jack and Brooke have their Halloween costumes - Clown & Ballerina! They look soooo cute, I miss them!!!

kerstin said...

Where did you get Brooke's swimsuit? It is too dang CUTE!! I'm so sad that I missed Jack this morning! He looks too cute too! Anne had a serious meltdown while trying to leave for preschool. I was literally sitting on her to try and get the seatbelt buckled up. Oh the joys :)

Karla said...

I can't stop looking at that cute clown and Brooke in those glasses is so special!!

mandy said...

half their teeth? What does that mean? and I can't believe this WARM weather! It's october and it's HOT!

Alicia said...

I have been hearing about your unseasonably warm weather! Fun!

Ok, and that close up of Jack in that clown get up is TOO much, so adorable!

Oh, and I will totally be shopping at your store! I wish it were open last week, I just ordered a ton of fabric...but next time I need it, I'll hop on over there!

Abby said...

can I have brookie's pink tutu swimsuit? pretty please?