Monday, September 13, 2010


I screamed like that twice this week.

Once while riding this ride.

And then again last night as I watched the hundreds of pictures I took on our Disneyland trip get erased from my memory card right before my very eyes.

All of them, gone.

I screamed.
I cried.
I almost threw up.
I fell to the ground and sobbed.

Vince was sure I was having a stroke.
I think I did.

After we rode Splash Mountain I told Vince I was going to buy the ridiculously overpriced picture.
He said no.
I said yes.
Best $15.95 I have ever spent!

Right now it is the only physical memory we have.

I called my brother Tom (a technological genius) and he has convinced me that I can recover the lost and deleted images.

I am praying.
I am working on it.

Hopefully soon I will have some pictures to share.

I am sure that my charades last night shaved 5 years off my life.
That added with Cancer, I might as well buy a plot right now.


Denise said...

You are hilarious! That picture is great! We deleted some of our pictures and we were able to recover them. No problem. Just don't take any pictures with that card and you can get them!

Nichole said...

I am happy you had a great trip and so sorry about your pictures, that is very painful. I hope you can get them back!

taggdarci said...

That picture is priceless, for sure worth every penny! Seeing your pics erased was probably a slow motion torture, I sure hope you can get them back! If not, you'll just have to plan to go back real soon. :o)

charm said...

That picture of you guys on that ride is PRICELESS! Your face is BEYOND hilarious! Ange, I KNOW you'll get them back. I've heard of this before... go to Perfect Light in I.F. They can do it!

Karla said...

I am liking the idea of going back real soon!

Lindsay said...

I think someone has cursed you. Maybe you should walk around your house with some burnt sage.

Cunning said...

I've had strokes over far less important events-= I'd say you are ahead of the game.

Good luck on the pics....