Most people ignore March 17th every year, but the Wheatley's can't let any excuse to have a party and dress up like idiots pass by. So we traveled down to Draper for the annual Wheatley family St. Patrick's Day party and Leprechaun Hunt! My mother is so much fun!

Our best attempt at a family photo.
I have to admit, that we all had a good time. My mom has a plethora of props to choose from and we all enjoy getting all decked out. Jack especially. He chose a green wig, and would not take it off. He pranced around like an Oompa Loompa! It just may have been the best day of his life. The kids went on a hunt where they found a pot of gold and lots of other treats. Including a juice box that I told Jack specifically not to squeeze, so he found his own way to sip.
And of course I have to mention our very exciting game of Hide & Seek. Everyone plays. Grandma, Grandpa, babies, everyone. John was of the course the winner with the best hiding spot, as always. Jack found a nice spot as well, and was one of the last to be found. We weren't sure if he was enjoying himself, or if he was scared to death.
We finished the evening with a rousing game of Who Stole the Cookies. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Wheatley for a great weekend.
Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!
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