So, in the midst of my nursing meltdown, we decided to get away for the weekend. Get away from the snow, cold and work, um, no. We went to West Yellowstone, and holy crap! Snow, Snow, Snow! It was 6 ft deep! We were the only car, everyone else was traveling by snow shoe and snow machines. It was hilarious. Have you ever seen a snowmobile at McDonald's drive-thru! It snowed and blowed the entire time we were there. We also weren't able to get away from work either. Those of you who travel with children know what I mean. We stayed at G and G Byram's timeshare, 2bed, 2bath and a kitchen; however we still had to take a lot of stuff. Pack n play, sleeping bag, diapers, food, 2 coolers, swimming stuff, clothes, video camera and of course Brooke's Bouncy Chair. I wish I had a picture of Mr. Incredible hauling all this stuff in and out, what a Dad! We couldn't have done it without him.
George and Jane stayed Friday night with us and went home on Saturday. We spent most of the time at the pool. Yeah, we were the only people there.
Jack's hot pink ear plugs

The pool to ourselves
The Kiddie Pool
Vince and Jack lived in the water
Brooke also enjoyed her first time in the water
This is the snow piled outside the doors to the pool. The amount of snow was insane.

Although we spent most of the trip in the pool, we also had a great time just watching movies and playing cards with Grandma and Grandpa.

Brookelle spent most of the trip in her Lay Z Girl. We can't go anywhere without it!
On Saturday we took the kiddos over to the IMAX Theater and watched a movie about Yellowstone. This was Jack's first time going to a movie and he did really well. He ate his treats, complained about it being dark, he was scared of the how the seat would close up on him and halfway through I looked over at him and he was dozing off. He spent the rest of the movie asleep in my lap. Both our kids slept through the movie, it was great!
We had a great time and didn't want to come home, mostly because we didn't want to load the car and drive home in the blizzard. It was fun to just get away though, Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!
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