Mid January, we ALL got the flu. At the same time!
It hit me first, then like a domino effect, took out everyone, even Daddy.
We waited 2 hours to see the Dr., apparently everyone in Rigby was sick too.
Thank goodness for the Ipad!
Since Brooke had it the worst, she was the one tested for Flu. She hated it. Bless her heart.
When I say we were near death, that is an understatement. I even wore my jammies to the Dr. Seriously sick!
On day 3 of sickness, I had get the kids out to the store to get supplies. I let them each pick something to entertain them during our quarantine.
Took us 6 days to complete Jack's puzzle. It was so hard!
On day 5 I decided to try and potty train Ivy since we were stuck inside drinking lots of fluids.
I lasted 2 hours and gave up. I am not ready.
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