After church on Sunday, the kids and I jumped in the car and headed down to SLC for a week of fun with the Wheatleys. Vince had just bought his new business and had a LOT of work to do and couldn't come with us. :(
We all headed up to the cabin for some fun!
Jack started the trip out with a BANG!
He was the first one to try out the tubing hill. On the first run, he went so fast and so out of control and headed straight for this rock...
Thinking quickly, Grandpa Wheatley threw himself in front of the rock and saved Jack. It knocked Jack out for a second and scared the CRAP out of me and Grandma Wheatley.
Luckily, only part of his face hit, instead his whole head.
Grandpa saved his life!
We spent the next few hours making the track safe. And created the most amazing track ever!

Sledding, swimming, sledding, and then more swimming. So fun!
We loaded up everyone in the car and headed to Midway to see the Ice Castes. They were amazing!
And a little scary!
New Years Eve
The kids celebrated at about 7:30....
And the adults had some fun after we put them to bed.
Then of course it was more sledding.....
And more swimming. I learned that Ivy is definitely NOT afraid of the water.
And Jack is getting much braver too! Brooke still has some work to do. She cried most of the time.
That night while making dinner, Grandma sliced off part of her thumb. Nothing says "Happy New Year" like a trip to the ER and meeting your deductible on Jan 1!
Scared us all to death, so glad she is okay.
We packed up the next day and headed back to Draper. Where the aunts spoiled my girls with mani pedis,
And Ivy spoiled Taurean with a new do.
I was so sad to see the week end, but it was time to go home and see Daddy!
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