Monday, October 8, 2012

Things I never want to forget: Summer 2012

Ivy in a sunhat.  My fave picture of all time. 

 This one comes in close 2nd. Love that girl in a hat.

The day I found Ivy with poop smeared all over her clothes, hands, feet, hair and mouth.
And all over the house. I got to clean the carpets in our house for the very 1st time.

Jack told me he couldn't give Ivy a toy because there was a spider on it.  Oh boy was he right!

The night I took Ivy to the Dr. and we waited 2 hours to be seen, and then she threw up all over me while they tried to check her ears. She made up for it with snuggling.

Girlfren loves the tub. Enough said. 

 I will never forget the night she folded her arms and closed her eyes for the prayer. So cute!

We love to go park hopping on Saturdays with Daddy.  LOVE IT!

On this one occasion, the kids figured out how to roll down hills.  I LOVED IT!

By the end of the summer, Ivy could go down the slide by herself

The cute little baby shower that I threw for my friend Kerstin. 

Jack getting his absolutely huge and disgusting wart cut off. 

The Saturday that we got a babysitter for Ivy, and Vince and I took the kids to a movie!

And after the movie we took the kids to the park and let them run free!

I don't want to forget the 1st time Jack went down the Yellow Slide at the Spray Park.  All for a roast beef sandwich. 

The night Vince brought home a 4 wheeler and the kids were on cloud 9!

 The day we played in the yard for 5 hours and it was 99 degrees!  I was dying. 

Jack picking out his backpack for school.

The kids ask to stop at the Tremonton McDonalds everytime we pass it, and over Labor Day weekend we said YES!  They couldn't believe it!

The trip to the Zoo with Thomas and Grace.

This was at Artic Circle, and I thought it was hilarious. 

 The trip to Brigham City for the Temple Open House. 
The kids with Grandpa Wheatley.

Seeing the kids run around MY Grandma's house.

 That one day that we FROZE TO DEATH at the bus stop waiting for Jack!

Jack whined for an hour about how I wouldn't let them buy these Cheese Balls. 

 I never wanted to forget stumbling across this moment one evening. 

The day these two gals tore Ivy's room apart, minutes after I had it cleaned.

 Getting ready for the Primary Program.  

Taking the kids to the carwash.  Jack loves it, Booke was pretty unsure about the whole thing. 

What would I do without a camera phone?


kerstin said...

What a fun summer! Especially the wonderful baby shower! Thank you again, it meant so much to me! :) only 2more weeks and we will finally be neighbors.

P.S. - please ignore any shouting (aka yelling) that may occurred on occasion ;)

kerstin said...

And I owe you a ginormous plate of cookies for all the times we bugged you for a bathroom!

tonyandalli said...

Spiders. Shiver me timbers!
Cute lil' baby shower, too, by the way!