Saturday, April 28, 2012


In case you didn't know, I am a magician.

I made this whole blog disappear from my life for almost 3 weeks.

And over the past few weeks, all these things have magically appeared:

  • A couples retreat with Vince's High School buddies and wives
  • A call to be the Primary President- AHHHHHH!
  • My worst Migraine since 2010
  • A trip to the Dinosaur exhibit at the Museum
  • Pain and a possible hernia for me
  • A new lump in my neck
  • Multiple trips to different Doctors, ultrasounds, blood work, the whole nine yards.
  • Huge fabric sale on my website and lots of fabric cutting.
  • Lots of Primary meetings
  • 80 degrees and snow in the same week.
  • We started soccer

Attention***** Attention***** Attention

We interrupt this extremely boring blog post with some very exciting news!

As I was writing this very post, Vince came inside screaming for me to come outside!
 What! We hadn't even taught him how yet.
 He just jumped on this little bike in the garage and started going!
 My little man is all growed up.

 Here's the 411:

 I found this sweet little bike for $10 at a Thrift Store in Rigby a few days ago.
I thought it would be perfect for teaching how to ride training-wheel-less. 
 Sure it is pink, and has a few girly touches.....but I assured Jack that this bike was just for practice.  He has a really tall boy bike and it's just too tall for learning. 
Brooke's poor little heart can hardly stand watching him riding around something pink.
She is sure it is hers.

I laid it on the floor in the garage and told Jack that when Daddy was home we would teach him how to ride it.  Apparently he didn't need us.  He just jumped on it and started riding around.  
That was easy.
Looks like we can scratch "Teach Jack to ride a 2-wheeler" off the summer to-do list!

Here are just a few of the phone pics from the past few weeks

Preschool Easter Egg Hunt

 Dinosaur Museum 

 A quick lunch at Target while out and about one afternoon

 Lot's of car boredom

 80 degrees and sunscreen on Monday

30 degrees and snow on Friday

 Brooke started PeeWee Soccer, so cute!
She is the one in pink, she is such a teacher's pet.

Ivy continues to keep me on my toes.