Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Baby Talk

I am the queen of baby talk.
And I am very aware that it drives everyone around me nuts.
I don't believe I've stopped since June 12, 2006, the day Jack was born.

Along with my  baby talk is a slew of nicknames for the kids.  Here are just a few of them.

 Scooter Buns

Brookie Buns
 Stinky Bum
 Brookie Bunny

 Stinky Lady
 Baby Girl
 Miss Ivy

And occasionally I refer to them by their actual name. 
Mostly when they are in trouble ;)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Motherhood is.....








and totally worth it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Because I'm crazy

 I decided to get the kids all spiffied up and take a group shot.
   All by myself.
While the sink is full of dishes, 6 loads of laundry sit unfolded, my bed is unmade, and I can't even remember the last time I vacuumed or cleaned the toilets.

It was totally worth it.
Even when the kids dropped Ivy.

This one is the clear winner.

I can't believe she is already 1 month old!

This poor boy sure has his work cut out for him.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life As We Know It

Boy, our life is different now.

I had no idea how much one little lady would change our day to day.
 Miss Ivy is having a hard time adjusting to life here in our home. 
She really likes to cry.
And scream.
All the time.
If she isn't eating, she is crying.
The funny thing is, her screaming makes me stressed. So stressed. And it doesn't seem to bother these guys one little bit.  They are constantly telling her "It will be alright, Ivy." when I am ready to pull my hair out.  They are teaching me patience.

We are currently trying some medication for Acid Reflux and hoping it will start to help this poor little girl out. 
She is just so miserable. 
 Brooke can't seem to leave Ivy alone.  She is all over her.  I am constantly saying, "Brooke, don't touch that baby!" She just can't help herself.

Every now and then, I can get Ivy calmed down enough for her to sleep for a few minutes. And then I fall in love with her all over again.

This is what breastfeeding looks like in our house.
Yes, that's right, breastfeeding.
I am not sure how much longer I will last though, it is something I really don't like to do, but totally feel pressured to do it. 

I had this vision before Ivy came of me playing with the kids outside, and Ivy just sitting in her bouncy chair watching us.

and cutting fabric while she laid on the floor and played.

and exercising while she slept during the day.

I had no idea I would be holding her 24/7, trying to calm her down.  And it is wearing on me. Hopefully we both adjust to our new life soon, or at least meet somewhere in the middle.

Jack and Brooke don't seem to care that I am completely occupied with Ivy.
Jack got to have a Pop Tart and Gatorade for breakfast this morning, and Brooke has found that when I am nursing, that is the best time for her to get cookies out of the pantry. They are both running free and loving it!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Miss Ivy Jane

 Ivy was blessed on Sunday, August 7th by her Dad.

It was kind of a last minute decision, as we had originally planned to bless her a few weeks later. 
But it just worked out best, even though she was only 3 weeks old. 
 This was the best we could do for a family photo, there are just too many of us for a perfect picture now ;)

I absolutely adore this picture of Ivy and the two most amazing ladies in the world.  
I don't know how I was lucky enough to get the greatest mom and mother-in-law ever!

 The blessing was beautiful.
It all came together even at the last minute.
I actually found something to wear, Ivy didn't scream like we all thought she would, the after party was fabulous thanks to my amazing  mother who basically did EVERYTHING. 

Remember THIS post.
Yeah, I totally scratched both dresses and went with a different one. 
I love it. 

Memorable moments from the day:

Me trying to get all of us ready and presentable for 9am church= Quite the circus
I forgot to feed Brooke breakfast.
Ivy managed to poop all over her shoes and her blanket, but somehow missed the dress. Phew.
Jack had a blast playing with ALL of his cousins. He was a sweaty mess.
Brooke cried all day because her toys were invaded by ALL the cousins.