Boy, our life is different now.
I had no idea how much one little lady would change our day to day.
Miss Ivy is having a hard time adjusting to life here in our home.
She really likes to cry.
And scream.
All the time.
If she isn't eating, she is crying.
The funny thing is, her screaming makes me stressed. So stressed. And it doesn't seem to bother these guys one little bit. They are constantly telling her "It will be alright, Ivy." when I am ready to pull my hair out. They are teaching me patience.
We are currently trying some medication for Acid Reflux and hoping it will start to help this poor little girl out.
She is just so miserable.
Brooke can't seem to leave Ivy alone. She is all over her. I am constantly saying, "Brooke, don't touch that baby!" She just can't help herself.
Every now and then, I can get Ivy calmed down enough for her to sleep for a few minutes. And then I fall in love with her all over again.
This is what breastfeeding looks like in our house.
Yes, that's right, breastfeeding.
I am not sure how much longer I will last though, it is something I really don't like to do, but totally feel pressured to do it.
I had this vision before Ivy came of me playing with the kids outside, and Ivy just sitting in her bouncy chair watching us.
and cutting fabric while she laid on the floor and played.
and exercising while she slept during the day.
I had no idea I would be holding her 24/7, trying to calm her down. And it is wearing on me. Hopefully we both adjust to our new life soon, or at least meet somewhere in the middle.
Jack and Brooke don't seem to care that I am completely occupied with Ivy.
Jack got to have a Pop Tart and Gatorade for breakfast this morning, and Brooke has found that when I am nursing, that is the best time for her to get cookies out of the pantry. They are both running free and loving it!
you freakin' amaze me woman! You are wonder woman....
What is she on for acid reflux? If its zantc....lets talk, I have something for you.
Have you tried wearing her? Like a moby? You can make them from strechy fabric for practically nothing so it might be worth a try.
Now I feel have down this twice before and I've got one so who am I to give you advice??
p.s. I'm laughing really hard because Jack is totally grabbing himself in the second picture:)
ha ha... Oh, I so understand where you are. I'm still there with my #3, except now he's mobile and screamy.
As for the breastfeeding, (I know I shouldn't say this...) don't succumb to the pressure. If it is something you don't want to do, you don't have to! My mom told me that this time, and it CHANGED MY LIFE. Just sayin'...
On the other hand, she is gorgeous. That probably helps. :-) Good luck! And here's hoping there is more fabric cutting with kids playing nicely and a cheery baby.
She is so cute Angie!!! I wish you the best of luck with all the fussiness. Mya was pretty fussy and luckily the gas drops helped a lot. But, it did last for a while. The good news won't last forever although it feels like it at the time....
If you ever want to talk screaming babies, I'm your gal. Jaden was awful and it nearly put me over the edge for reals. I so know how you feel and the panic and stress you feel. I tried everything (including an alternative doctor) and in the end endurace was the only thing that worked. A year later, I had been through 7 different formulas (soy, the ones easy on tummies, the ones for allergies, the lactose free, etc)plus breastfeeding, a few prescriptions and a lost mind. Nothing helped-Worst year of my life! Trust your instincts. I wished I would have had him looked into further someone told me about their baby being the same and their baby ended up having a knotted up intestine. I don't want to scare you, I just hated when people would ask if I was burping him good. As if I didn't already think of that! Just try to survive. If all else fails, take a break and let someone else endure it for you for a few hours.
Two babies is so easy, three is so, so, so hard. Boston was my screamer and I thought I would die with just the one. You'll survive, I promise, and then you'll look back and think "It wasn't so bad". Because that's how MOther Nature works, she isn't always kind, but she isn't stupid. She makes us forget.
When Boston was screaming all the time, I stopped living or doing anything because when we went out, people were really mean. As I was hiding in the mother's room, women came bursting in and said "What are you doing to that baby" in accusing voices. Or it became the joke that he was possessed. Which made me hate them and hate people in general. It was hard enough without them being mean.
I hope the reflux meds help. Good luck.
Aw, man!! My heart is totally going out to you right now. Hang in there! Weston was our screamer and it was so, so, so, so stressful for me as well. I totally sympathize. In fact, sometimes when Emmett cries for just a couple of minutes, if I can't figure out why he's crying I start having after-shocks. I totally start panicking and I can feel those old feelings coming back. I joke that Weston's first year of life took 5 off of mine...but I mean that in a joke like "isn't that funny because it's so TRUE" kind of way. =) Gas drops and zantac never worked for him (which caused a very embarrassing melt down in front of my pediatrician). So I would just listen to Darius Rucker's "It Won't Be Like This For Long" over and over to remind myself that it would be over and that someday I would miss that time. =)
Sorry I'm rambling, I just want you to know that you're not alone!! Sometimes I would even put earplugs in and set a timer for 20 minutes and just let him go. Not all the time, but sometimes, when I felt like it was better for him that we had a little distance from each other. I mean, I loved my baby and all, but I was truly going a little crazy in that apartment. Ok, rambling again. And sounding crazy...
Also, if it makes you feel better, my sister-in-law who has 9 kids (yes, NINE!!!) told me that 3 was harder than 7 for her. Truthfully. So, you know, you're in the biggest part of the storm right now. Hang in there!!
Ok, shutting up on this marathon comment!! =)
Oh no! I am so sorry she is crying so much. Danika did the same thing and to tell you she still hasn't stopped. We are hoping that by the time she is 12 she might have outgrown it! Good luck, keep smilin'.
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