Tuesday, February 1, 2011

15 Weeks & Praying

You might as well get used to seeing pictures like this, as I like to compare pregnancies.
I am growing and praying.  Praying that my nausea (which seems to be getting worse by the day) will lighten up a bit, and that my eyes will stop crying without reason, and that my nasty Bronchitis will take a hike.

In the meantime, I have been keeping myself busy getting ready for my favorite month.


Did you know that Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday?

Betcha didn't!

But it is, I have no idea why.

I love February for Valentine's Day, my birthday, and that's all I can come up with.  But I love it.

This year I went a little crazy with Valentine's projects.

Table Runner

Rosette Wreath & Fabric Topiary Trees

 Heart Wreath and Heart Ornaments

 And I finally figured out how to get my silhouette machine to only eat 1/2 of the stuff I feed into it, so this little vinyl treat came about. And I totally copied those framed hearts from
THIS blog.  And my heart wreath from THIS blog.
 Hey, it's freakishly frigid outside and there isn't much else to do.

I did round up all the kiddos for a fun project though.


 We each made our own cookie out of the edible playdough

 My sweet little heart.          Vince is always such a showoff.

 But sadly, the cookies don't last forever.   As soon as Jacks fell off the stick there was instant heartbreak.

Here is a link to the Recipe, they were delish!


Happy February Everyone!


Kasha said...

You look so great pregnant! I so wish I could of looked like that! The suckers look so fun, we will have to try the recipe too. Happy Birthday soon by the way! :)Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and Birthday!!

kerstin said...

Oh no! Poor Jack and his alligator tears! It must be a first born thing - Madison does the same thing. Anne would just crumble it all up after it fell off. :)

You're house looks so cute! I love Valentine's Day too.

Nichole said...

I love February too and valentines and my birthday might have something to do with it! You are so creative I love all of your decorations, happy birthday to you!

Karla said...

Holy Cow are you my daughter?? You are too creative to come my gene pool!

Denise said...

You are so darn cute! I wish I looked that cute pregnant!

taggdarci said...

I love Valentine's Day too! Actually...Tagg & I got married on V-day! YAY! :o) Your decorations are way too cute as well as that cute lil belly!

Liz and John Behunin said...

All your crafts are so cute. And speaking of cute, you are super cute prego mama.

Alicia said...

I'm definitely going to make those suckers with my kids this week - what a great project!!

Oh, and I love brassy apple blog - and her shop!

Hope you feel better soon - you seem to be able to get plenty done even so, though, so way to go! =)

Katherine said...

I love the crafts! You're just too darn creative

tonyandalli said...

You have some of the cutest stuff! LLUUURRVV the wreath, runner, topiaries... all of it!Would you ever consider doing video tutorials? I would love to make some of that stuff!!

Lindsay said...

Love your valentines decor! I shy from valentines stuff bc its usually so cheesey but yours looks great!