Friday, August 13, 2010


It's raining cats and dogs outside right now.
Which really puts a damper on the campout that Jack and Vince had planned for the backyard tonight. But from the look on Jacks' face, the basement will work just fine.

Brooke wanted in on the action too!

She had no idea what was going on, but thought it was a blast!

Stories and Flashlights

Nighty night little buddy!


Karla said...

Hey, I think it should have been an "all family" camp in! That's my kind of camping!

charm said...

That's so darn cute! Cannon and my nephew wanted to sleep out on the tramp that night... no workie. You guys were much more ambitious than we were! I just love the looks of sheer JOY on Jack's face. Awwww... :)

Liz and John Behunin said...

Did you really get Brooke to sleep I'm the tent? I'm impressed.

Liz and John Behunin said...

Did you really get Brooke to sleep I'm the tent? I'm impressed.