Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back to School Shopping


I will find any excuse in the world to buy my kids new stuff (and me too) even when none of us actually go to school.

Except for Jack. He starts preschool next month. Breathe mommy, breathe.

We hit Kohls, Target and Once Upon a Child.
Once Upon a Child definitely stole most of my money.

There were lots of good finds. But I can't share them all with you:
1-Because Vince would kill me if he saw it all in one spot.
2-Blogger can't support that many photos.

So I will share my favorite, and Brooke's favorite find:

The Ruffle Shoes


The complete ensemble.
She wont take them off. I am afraid I will have to zip them up inside her footed jammies tonight.


Fox Family said...

what an adorable little lady! However, I think you are creating a little monster-it's ok though, anything for fashion!

Ryan, Becca, Brinley Boo AND Casen too! said...

Haha, I love "good" excuses like that! :) Too cute with Brooke and her shoes, I have to admit baby shoes are my fav and too hard to pass us! Sure wish Powell would of worked out, hopefully we will see you sometime soon anyway!

Denise said...

Those are so cute and for only $2.50 are you kidding me. I need to shop where you shop!