Thursday, June 3, 2010


That's the best I could come up with for a title, please excuse my laziness.

Exciting news from the Byram home.

Okay, it's exciting to me, and probably only me, but I will share it nonetheless!
This post is basically for my mother

Are you ready?



Vince and I celebrated 6 years of wedded (almost) bliss last weekend.

"Almost" only because we were lacking 1 big thing.

A big bed!

The rest of our married life will be "King" sized bliss!
Thanks for the awesome Anniversary present Vince, I have been gitty all week!

Our first bed wasn't horrible.
I mean really, I can't complain, it was pretty nice.
It started as 3 foot-boards, and with my dad's genius,
became 1 foot-board and 1 head-board.

Do you like my old nightstand. Pretty fancy 'eh?
...and the flashlight? A Karla touch.

The boys got the bed set up last night, and I walked in and saw this...

Jack made the observation that it is big enough for him to sleep in it with us. Uh-oh.

And of course Brookie needed a turn.

So there you have it.

Shazamm! I guess.


Karla said...

Me too, I want my turn on the bed and good girl with the flash light!

Liz and John Behunin said...

I love your new bed. Now i'm jealous again. One day we will be grown up enough to have a king sized bed, one day.

Cory & Alli said...

I LOVE that bed! Cute & big! The new decor stuff is also adorable!

Bishop Family said...

It looks amazing. I am jealous my room is in a major need of redecorating. Hopefully we will get to see you guys soon still. The move happened so dang fast. It would be fun to meet in IF for dinner or something when we come to visit sometime. And thanks again for the material. I am trying to get my mom on making ties for my boys.

The Taylor's said...

With Shazamm I was expecting a Sham Wow or infomercial of some sort. Love the new bed- true that you'll never go back after a king.

charm said...

Nothin' like a King!! Congrats on that... you guys have definitely earned it! ;)

Ryan, Becca, Brinley Boo AND Casen too! said...

Haha, I think the title was perfect :) Love the pics of the kids owning the bed! Looks great! Ryan has been begging for a king size bed ever since we got married, and this post makes me finally want to go for it! Love it :)