Thursday, April 15, 2010


My little stinker is growing up.

And it just isn't fair.

The other day we bought her a big girl car seat, and I cried. When did she get so big?
Since she can't talk (not one word), I still consider her a baby. But I need to let go and realize that at 18 months, she really is a big girl.

She loves to "talk" on the phone. Again, she doesn't know any words.

She gets up at the table all by herself. Excuse me while I wipe some tears. Sniff sniff.

She can climb up the slide and go down all by herself!
Don't worry Mom, she has only fallen over the side a few times :)

She loves her Bink.
Love my be an understatement.

She rules the house. There is no doubt about it.

She loves her babies. She has 17 to be exact. And she will sit in front of that little house and kiss each one individually.
And sometimes she will share with them.

She has her mother's good fashion sense.
She loves to sweep the floor and wipe up water she finds on the floor. And for some reason she believes those goggles are a necklace.

This will be the last you see of her with "The Bink".
I have decided that if I want her to start talking, and since she is in fact a big girl, the bink needs to go.

Pray for me.

This will be difficult.


Karla said...

When she is screaming for the bink, just think of the day when she will say, "mommy I love you" in words.

Nichole said...

Oh good luck...I need to do the same with the bottle but I can't seem to get the courage to go for it. Maybe the warmer weather will give me strength and distract Zoe from wanting her "baba"!

Chris and Cindy said...

Those pictures just made me laugh! She is SOOO CUTE! Tessa needs to get rid of her binkie too... AAAAaahhh! I think it's harder for the mom than the kid! Good Luck... We NEED to get together! We haven't seen you guys FOREVER!!!!

Denise said...

I absolutely love the picture of her with the underwear over her clothes. That is priceless. Those are the cutest darn pictures. Good luck!

Liz and John Behunin said...

When it was time to get ride of Josh's bink I cut off the tops of all of them and then just left them around. He got so mad that they were all broken he didn't want his bink anymore.

Good luck, I wish I could get Lilly to take a bink.

Bishop Family said...

I'm scared to take Kolson's binki away too and he is almost 21 months. I love her dress in the first picture. Did you make it? You are so talented.

Kent/Sue Adams said...

Good luck! For me, I always think it will be harder than it really was! However Eli still has his! We are working on maggie potty training first... One project at a time so I don't go to crazy!!!

charm said...

She is SOOOOO adorable! I just wanna squish her little cheeks. :) And, I hear ya on the garage thing. I didn't understand it either... but it's my SANITY now! It's like being outside... but not quite as dirty, messy, cold, etc. I haven't kissed my husband for it yet ,though. But now I will. :)

Katherine said...

What a cutie pie! The first picture is the best! I might make it the back drop on my computer

mandy said...

Best wishes getting rid of the binky. Mya too is in love with her binky and I wish I had pulled it a longg time ago. Shoot.

Kimi said...

I've lived my whole little gals life without a binkie, it's not so hard. Although sometimes I wish she would take one but she just thinks they're toys nowadays. Your house must be huge! Well compared to my little one bedroom apt in Cali anyway. I'm a little jealous.