Friday, April 30, 2010

House Guests

Apparently we are going to have some company this summer.

We had some Aviary friends last year, and boy were they trouble.

Jack is handling it pretty well.

Brooke, not so much.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Life = Crazy

I have only myself to blame for all the craziness!

I have a tenancy to take on much more than I can handle.

Exhibit A: Sewing Room

(I realize the pictures in the frames above the table, came with the frames, but I have since remedied that problem)

Vince came to me last Monday and said, "Would you want a sewing room?"

5 seconds later I was at the store buying furnishings and lots of red spray paint.
I had a vision.
Goodbye work out room, hello sewing room!
I spent a week refinishing all sorts of things we already had, and organizing my fabric stash.

Vince even left me a little note from the kids, aaaaaaawe.

Now if I only had time to sew in there.

Exhibit B: Fabric Open House

I hosted an Open House last night. And let me tell you, there wasn't an "open" spot anywhere in my house! I had huge fears that no one would come, haha, stupid me!
It was pure fabric cutting insanity!
Luckily I have the best sister's-in-law in the world, and they jumped in to help me! Without even being asked!


The Food.

Lacy, Michelle and Darci with their amazing creations!

It was a huge success, but I am soooo happy it is over!

Exhibit C:

I have absolutely no idea how I get anything done with these two monkeys running around!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


My little stinker is growing up.

And it just isn't fair.

The other day we bought her a big girl car seat, and I cried. When did she get so big?
Since she can't talk (not one word), I still consider her a baby. But I need to let go and realize that at 18 months, she really is a big girl.

She loves to "talk" on the phone. Again, she doesn't know any words.

She gets up at the table all by herself. Excuse me while I wipe some tears. Sniff sniff.

She can climb up the slide and go down all by herself!
Don't worry Mom, she has only fallen over the side a few times :)

She loves her Bink.
Love my be an understatement.

She rules the house. There is no doubt about it.

She loves her babies. She has 17 to be exact. And she will sit in front of that little house and kiss each one individually.
And sometimes she will share with them.

She has her mother's good fashion sense.
She loves to sweep the floor and wipe up water she finds on the floor. And for some reason she believes those goggles are a necklace.

This will be the last you see of her with "The Bink".
I have decided that if I want her to start talking, and since she is in fact a big girl, the bink needs to go.

Pray for me.

This will be difficult.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


When we were in the process of building this house, I mentioned to Vince that he was ridiculously insane for building the most humongo garage in the world!

Seriously. It is unbelievably large.

At one point I was actually embarrassed about it's size.

I have since ate my words.

It may seem like your average garage, but it doubles as the greatest playground when the weather is bad.

Now when I go out there I just want to kiss him for making it so big!

Did I mention that it's heated?
Double kisses!

Brooke has learned how to drive due to this Garage situation.
Apparently she is going shopping-Credit Card in hand

And Jack rides his bike in circles all day long in there!
He rode this old bike home from Uncle Trevor and Aunt Deana's house the other night, and he can't stop talking about it!

So morale of this story:

Don't judge your husband too quickly when he does something ridiculous.
It may be for the best.


As for our Ridiculously Insane Humongo Deck:

I am still yet to find joy in it's size.
It is just too big.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I woke up this morning feeling EXTREMELY ILL!

I am coming down with something horrid.

Apparently this past week's activities were more than I could handle.

Here is the proof!

A Bunny Tea Party for Grandma John's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

My sister Liz used some of my fabric to make all the girls matching dresses!
I believe she didn't sleep for two days as her sewing machine was working overtime :)
Thanks Liz!

Then, lots of driving to St. George where we stayed in this cottage built in the 1800's.

Hunting for Dinosaurs

Red Rock Climbing and a picnic lunch!

The Easter Bunny found us!
Brookelle prefers her jammies half zipped.

Egg Toss!

Bunny Hop!

Egg Hunt!

Easter Portraits



Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for all the Easter fun!

I will forward my Dr. bills on to you :)