Saturday, January 9, 2010


We are sick. So sick. We all have the nastiest cough, cold, crap, crud you can imagine. So we did nothing this week! So I thought I would post a few more pictures of our exciting & exhausting trip to Utah!

Note: Vince is absent from all the pics, because he left us in Utah. I guess he wasn't ready for a Week 'O' Fun!

The entire fam (minus a few husbands) went Ice Skating. Seriously, so fun!

Here is Katherine helping me with Jack
she was husbandless too!
Note to self: Don't wear skinny jeans when going Ice Skating-No Good!

We went swimming one day too! My dad was in charge of Brooke-So he taught her a few things.
That water was FREEZING!

Jungle Jim's Playland-Need I say more!
I call this one: "Big Mom in a little Boat!" People were shielding their eyes as I got in and out!

We also had some fun in the snow!
Don't be jealous of my amazing Reindeer skills.

I had to add this one in. Even though Jack was feeling really sick, he still wanted to play Rock Band with everyone. He had a little bounce while he played. ♥ Don't you just want to eat him up in his Woody Jammies?

If you can actually get this video to work- Give yourself a pat on the back.
I have no idea how to add video :(


kerstin said...

You would make an awesome reindeer! Just kidding! It looks like a lot of fun, the husbands always miss out! :)

Karla said...
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Karla said...

Come back soon, I want to see more of rock star Jack!!!

Alicia said...

What a fun trip to Utah! I love your hat, too, by the way. And that's funny you mentioned the skinny jeans, I was thinking what a great idea it was to rock them while you were ice skating! =)
Glad you had such a great Christmas!

Cunning said...

Looks like you had tons of fun! Feel free to move back here anytime!

charm said...

I thought you looked way cute in your skating gear and skinny jeans! I haven't attempted skinny jeans yet... my thighs have a tough enough time in my fat jeans! :)

Liz and John Behunin said...

First, you and skinny jeans are a good combo.

Second, I never realized that they were playing music at the skate place. I guess some of us were concentrating a little to hard.

Third, I'm sorry you are all sick. Get better.

Fourth, we miss you guys. Come visit soon.

Kent/Sue Adams said...

Hey it looks like utah was a lot of fun! Sorry you guys are all sick! We miss you guys!