I have officially lost my mind.
I have taken to telling complete strangers, complete lies.
Here is what happend.
I got my Dish Network bill in the mail and it had a $10.00 late fee, the bill was twice the usual rate and said that they never received my check from last month.
I figure there must be some mistake, as I did in fact pay that bill and send a check. So I decide to call the Customer Service Line and work it out-BAD idea!
First: It took 6+ minutes for me to explain to the fake man on the phone what I wanted to do.
He says he'll transfer me.
I get cut off.
6 more minutes of talking to the fake man.
Then I hold for 7 minutes. I am not upset yet, but things are brewing.
Dish Network: Hello, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
blah=all the words I could not understand because I swear they weren't in English.
How can I help you?
Me: Yes, there was a little problem with my bill and I just want to see where the mix up was.
Dish Network: Of course Mam, and to whom am I speaking.
Me: Angie
Dish Network: Okay Miss Angie, what is the trouble?
Me: On my current statement it says that you never received my payment for last month.
Dish Network: Excuse me Mam, who am I speaking with again.
Me: Angie
Dish: Are you Mrs. Byram?
Me: Yup.
Dish: Is your name by chance James?
Me: Nope, it's A-n-g-i-e (I didn't spell it out, but I said it slowly and annunciated)
Dish: Well Mam, it looks like you are not the primary account holder, so I can not give you any information about this account.
Now that I see why he wanted my name, I know I am going to get nothing accomplished. This is where it takes a turn for the worse.
Me: Well, I just need to know how much to make this check out for, that I am going to mail today ;)
Dish: Sorry, you aren't the primary account holder and I can't give out information.
Me: Oh please, I just need to know what I owe you, that's all.
Dish: Nope. Sorry, I will need to speak with James, then he can authorize you on the account.
Me: Well, James isn't here.
I know that Vince is never home, and it will take quite a long time for him to actually call them to find this out for me, and I really wanted to know what I owed! And by now, I am not happy.
Dish: Maybe he could call us later.
Me: I am the one who pays the bill, so can't you just tell me what I owe?
Dish: No.
Me: Just ask me all the questions you would James, to verify he is the account holder. I know the account number, his social, and all his passwords. Just ask me the questions, I promise I know the answers.
Dish: No. I need to talk to James.
Me: Well..... what if James died?
I totally said this as a joke, and partly to see what he would say.
Dish: I am sorry for your loss, but I can't give you anymore information. Okay Mam, have a nice day.
Click- He totally hung up on me.
Moral of this story: Hang up before you make a total fool of yourself.
lol! I love it! And you know what, I HATE those accounts where they won't let you talk to them unless you're the primary. If it makes you feel any better, I just lie and say I'm Devin. (There are girls named Devin, right?) :)
My condolences to dear sweet James......
I always call up and claim I'm Ty. They usually ask me more questions but I never admit I'm not. They don't want to question me!
This is why I'm not in charge of paying bills. I can't handle confrontation. At all. I'm like the dinosaur on Toy Story
We just spent some time yelling and complaining at fedex, only to have our package arrive on time when orginally expected. I felt like a schmuck
That is too funny!!! We had some friends in the ward whose father really did die and in order to cancel dish network they had to send a copy of the death certificate! I guess we have said "I do, until death do us part." CRAZINESS! Good luck!
lol angie. This is totally something that would happen to you. What a joke! I hate big business.
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