Friday, May 15, 2009


So, now that the entire world can't see what I post, I decided to share with y'all some random crap about our family.

1- I hate seafood.
2- I can't drive without my sunglasses, not even when it's overcast.
3- I love to eat out!

4- I sleep with a night light on, Vince has adapted.
5- I am the only person in the world that can mess up Bread Machine Bread.
6- My favorite store, DI.
7- I also sleep with my baby Video Monitors on, I know, I am way too overprotective.
8- I am not a strong swimmer.

9- I have two Etsy stores. Not advertising at all.
10- I eat way too many Tootsie Rolls!


1-Works sun-up to sun-down, seriously, 5:30am to 7:30pm. And we love him for it.
2- He built our house with his own two hands, well, the heating and plumbing, but still.
3- Enjoys talk radio.
4- He doesn't like desserts, only on certain occasions. I KNOW!
5- One time while dating, I fell while carrying a bag of Tacos. He saved the Tacos, and forgot about me. True story, he loves a good taco.
6- He can fix anything.

7- Super Glues all of his cuts.
8- Has to sleep on my right side.
9- He has never been ice skating.
10- He loves his boy!


1- When asked what he is doing, he will always reply,
"I'm working."
2- Loves medicine. Product of a sickly child.
3- Hates it when mommy sings, like the rest of the world.
4- Has a serious fear of birds and flies.
5- Everything is a gun.
I have no idea where he learned this. This gun, a marker and a toy ear probe.
6- Loves to wear my shoes around the house, especially the high heels.
7- Takes great pride in making his bed and his drawings.
8- Hates having his hair messed up.
9- He tipped the stroller over with Brooke inside yesterday. Oh my gosh, DRAMA!
10- He pronounces Fire Truck, Fire #@*#. He loves to share that in the Nursery.


1-Hates to sleep.
2-Can finally sit in the shopping cart.

3-Puts everything in her mouth.
4- Sleeps in the corner of her crib with her face up against the bumper. It is the only way she will sleep.
5- Loves Jack!
6- Poops 5 times a day. Holy Crap!
7- Loves to be outside, unlike Jack.

8- Lights up when Daddy comes home.
9- Splashes like a mad woman in the bath tub.

10- She is the smiliest baby ever. She smiles at everyone, all the time!


Karla said...

I love all the pictures, don't like the word crap. You might need to put a bar of soap in your mouth!

charm said...

haha! I love the fire*!@@# word! That's hilarious! Your kids are so cute, Ange! I feel like we haven't hung out forever!

Kent/Sue Adams said...

Our Kids sound like they are related! The Pooping and tipping the baby over in the stroller... All sounds too familiar! Oh yes and the fire ****... is the Stuck word at our house..wait till Jack starts rhyming truck is a fun word to keep them away from! Ha!