Okay, I really didn't mean to scare the pants off everyone. Vince says that I have a tenancy to overreact and exaggerate, and that I really do scare easy. I mean, I still run up the stairs really fast after I turn off all the lights, I don't really know what I am running from, but better safe than sorry!
Anyway, here is the long story short.
Scare #1: Strange text messages from 911 telling us to call home immediately. We call home, we call 911, they know nothing about it, scary.
Scare #2: I receive hang up phone calls about 3x a week. Maybe we have a close number to Pizza Hut's or something. Still, scary.
Scare #3: I was at home one afternoon and heard someone fiddling with our front door, a man walked in and we scared each other half to death. He claimed to be a realtor, but I yelled at him anyway and told him to leave. I called our realtor and no one can figure out who he was. Major Scary!
Scare #4: We went out for ice cream, left the house unlocked, dumb. Came home and put the kids right to bed. I turn on the video monitor, they are both asleep. We get ready for bed and hear a crash, I turn on the video monitor, Jack's isn't working. Vince goes in his room, the room is now a mess, and the camera has been unplugged! Jack, is sound asleep in the bed. I have a minor stroke, and Vince begins searching the house. We find nothing. I can't sleep, I delete the blog. Turns out to be a false alarm. I talk to Jack in the morning and he vaguely remembers getting out of bed, making a mess, and unplugging the monitor. Jack has never unplugged anything in his life because I threaten him with death. We couldn't believe it. FALSE ALARM.
Even though the last scare was a false alarm, it made me realize that I really post way too much about my kids and house and where we can be found. So here we are. Hopefully this answers everyone questions and I hope I didn't scare everyone too much. Let's just say that since I am a scardy cat, the Alarm System is in the works. Vince has been informed that there will be no week long fishing trip with the boys this fall until it is installed. Hear that girls?
On a lighter note, here is what we have been up to.

That is the cutest picture of Brooke with your shoe! Okay I am the worst mother, I didn't notice you had a perm on Saturday!
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I would be freaked out too. We actually got Bennett from Rigby. His birthmother is from there and the Birthfather is from Ucon. Wow that's a small world.
I don't blame ya, Ange. Last night our door chime went off at 4:30 a.m. FREAKED ME OUT! We searched everywhere too, and no sign of anyone... Devin still thinks I dreamt it!... and who knows? Maybe I did. But, from now on, the alarm will be SET!!
Cute Hair Ang!!! I would have a private blog too if all that happened to me... CRAZY. I think I would have peed my pants if Tessa's room was like Jack's and she was sound asleep! SCARY!
I think you had every right to be freaked out. I hope things calm down around there. I've loved looking at what you guys have been up to. Your kids are so cute! I love how they both have the hugest smiles and that they smile with big bright eyes (like their Mom ;))
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