Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Home and back to business

We came home to a snowstorm and the kids were so excited to go outside and play in it! 

We went to cousin Zach's basketball game at the high school one night while Brooke got to attend a David Archuleta concert with her friend Tessa. 

But we spent most of the week back getting ready for Christmas!

I have no idea why I took this picture, but look at how cute they are eating their pizza. 

Took us a week to get the tree up! Mostly because we had to wait for this huge ladder to come home from Daddy's work. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Blessing

I was so excited to go to St. George and meet these two little cuties. And their blessing was perfect!

 James was NOT super helpful at the blessing.

After the blessing we jumped in the car and headed out. 

 First we hit a terrible traffic Jam. And didn't move for almost an hour. Once we hit Beaver the roads cleared out a little.

Just in time for a huge snowstorm to hit. We were stuck in the canyon with terrible weather.  I was freaking out, but Vince held his cool nicely.  And the 4 hour drive turned into almost 6 hours!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Wheatley Family Pictures