Oh my. I am not sure how people with more than 2 kids in school do it.
Program after program, and graduations and Spelling Bees!
I do have to say, the 2nd Grade Spelling Bee was my favorite event!
For a few weeks, the 2nd Grade has been having preliminary rounds, and Jack kept going through.
We kept practicing the list of words they gave us, and he kept moving on.
To say I was proud would be an understatement!
He made it to the top 18!
And then....the TOP 4!
I was a basket of nerves the entire time. I kept praying he would get the words he had trouble on!
Vince couldn't be there so I was texting him updates!
His Words were:
Aren't ( I was holding my breath on that apostrophe)
History (7 kids left)
Important (5 kids left)
And then, the unthinkable. They added words that weren't on the list to end the Bee.
His final Word-Thanksgiving
He didn't even know how to spell it, but he spelled it 100% right....JUST DIDN'T CAPITALIZE IT!
I wanted to run down there and hug him!
He tried to shake it off, but he was pretty bummed.
Maybe because we promised him an XBOX 360 if he wont the whole thing (bad parenting, I know. But it was the only way we could get him to practice)!
While Vince was receiving his text updates, he got so excited that he dropped everything and ran over to the school. He made it just in time to see Jack get out.
It was pretty rough. So before he got home from school the girls and I decided to make him Cinnamon Rolls!
He won the thing in my book! I have never been so proud of him!
Last Day of Kindergarten
Oh Kindergarten Graduation and the 5000 parents that came!
Ivy was horrible, thank goodness Grandma was there!
Brooke loved her teacher, Senora Mortensen!
And her friend Tessa!
I was so lucky that James slept through the entire Graduation and I didn't have to wrestle with him!
That SAME day, was Jack's talent show. Ah, that visitor sticker was starting to become a part of my wardrobe!
He played the piano and then answered questions about his talent. It surprises me that he is not nervous in front of everyone. He did great!
And lucky for me, Vince came home that afternoon to watch the other 3 so I could go to the talent show in peace! Poor James really needed a nap in his own bed!
Last Day of 2nd Grade
Last day of school surprises!
And if all that wasn't enough, Baseball had to start that week too!
I was so happy when it was all over!
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