Oh, you betcha!
You see, I had picked my Granite, then had second thoughts about it, called and cancelled it, and then had second thoughts about cancelling it....and it goes on and on. So I dragged Vince to Utah so he could see it and help me make a decision.
I am happy to announce we went with the original selection, and I still have a husband.
The Granite guys could see my worry about this porous granite so they let me take some home and try to stain it. Only the red marker left a stain. So we will never have red markers again, but who cares, the granite is GORGEOUS!
We also made a trip the Home Depot in attempts to save some money on the Master Bathroom tile. We had to hand pick 200 marble tiles.

Then we took a little trip downtown to Cheesecake Factory for Vince. He loves it, and I had basically put him through you know what the whole day.
Worst night ever at the Cheesecake Factory. Ivy once again wanted to remind us that she would like to be our last child.

Luckily my Mom has more patience than I do!
Since dinner was so delightful, we decided to walk to Temple Square and torture everyone some more with photos!
With Vince and I's 10th Anniversary just around the corner I thought it would be fun to take some pictures where it all began.
I though, "Oh, maybe we can frame one if they turn out good."
I realized Vince was wearing the ugliest shirt ever. Fail.
Oh well, it was the idea that counts.
At this point of the night I was ready to disown Ivy Jane, some Mom volunteered to take her home and have the rest of us ride tracks to Draper.
These two first timers were pretty darn excited.
I quickly realized after getting on that the tracks crowd has changed over the years, and is pretty scary!
but we still had a good time.
A little family pic before church, they know the routine.
And since our Temple photos were a bust, I talked this guy into one more sesh.
His face says,
"Babe, I love you, but if you make me take one more picture I am going rip out all your hair extensions!"
So we loaded up Vince's early Father's day present and headed home!
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