Monday, March 24, 2014

Winner Winner "Pork" Dinner

The School sent home a flyer about a Piggy Bank Beauty Contest for the Bank of Commerce.

All you had to do was build a Piggy Bank, out of anything you wanted, and turn it into one of the locations.
I told Jack No WAY!  I didn't have time to do that, and really didn't want to deal with it.

But he just big fat went and did it anyway. 

And it turned out awesome. Bank robber on top, cop at the drive thru window, security cameras, desks inside, a vault and safe, and the hole in the top for the money. 

All I did was the Bank of Commerce sticker. 


$50 Check + Pig Trophy = The Happiest 1st Grader Ever!

Can't believe I discouraged him from entering. What is the matter with me? 

These pics are terrible, but they captured how giddy he was!

 Way to go JACK!!!!