Sunday we took a little 7 hour drive through Scenic Idaho.
Now that Ivy has officially discovered the tv in the car, trips like this are possible with minimal screaming from the babes!
3 Cheers for Ivy!
First stop, a little water fall near Palisades Reservoir
Then we stopped at Lunch Counter, and watched rafters come the Hoback of the Snake River.
Ivy was getting a little too close to the edge for my liking, and every time I yelled at her to get back, she made this face.
A little hike. It was SOOOOO HOT! Close to 90 I think.
When we got down the bank, we saw these crazy surfer dudes surfing on the River. Absolutely amazing. It was my favorite part of the drive!
Group shot
The surfers would have to wreck and get out of the way when a raft came through.
Don't judge, but stopped for lunch at a little grocery store outside of Jackson.
The treats I had brought were not cutting it!
After passing through Jackson we stopped at the West Piney Girls Camp just to look around.
There was this cute older couple working there for the Summer and they asked if the kids wanted to go down the slide. We figured they wouldn't let us because it was Sunday, but they did! The kids were so excited, I was NOT! That slide is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO steep! And LONG!
I still can't believe that Brooke did it.
Jack did it twice, but Brooke did not want to do it again. I don't blame her, I didn't do it once! I have heard horror stories about that slide!
And since we figured we had already broken the sabbath once.... we stopped for a famous square icr cream cone in Swan Valley.
Oh Ivers, always a sticky mess!
Jack started sobbing in the car when we told him we were heading home.
He said it was the best day of his life.
It sure was close!
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