Just look at how short his jammies are!
When he went to bed the night before his bday he said, "Mom, I can't wait to see what kind of decorations you put up." GAH! We have been so busy with selling the house that I wasn't going to set much up! Last minute theme....camping. The easiest, and pretty darn cute!
I left his map and banana chair unwrapped so he had something to play with until Daddy got home to open presents.
This kid LOVES maps!
We opened all the presents when Dad came home, and Jack was so sad that he opened mostly clothes.
Til Daddy told him to go look in the garage!
He was spinning 360's right and left!
All the sudden it was the best birthday ever!
I made him Bacon for Breakfast, he also LOVES BACON!
He opened a plethora of Slip and Slides from Grandma Wheatley! Phew, no more clothes!
Then we all got to go Birthday Shopping with Grandma Jane and out to lunch with the cousins!
His loot from Grandma Jane!
Then it was time to PARTY!
He desperately wanted a grocery store cake with the good frosting this year. I am not mad, no stress in making a cake. He wanted the decorations on the top to be a surprise, and he loved the camp cake I picked out!
He wanted to play a game with the cousins, so this last minute "Make a Camp Scene" got thrown together!
I love that little kids are so easily pleased!
They did a mighty fine job!
The kids rode bikes in the garage (since it was raining outside).
And leave it up to Ivy to take the easy way out!
It was a great Bday for my Jack-er-loo!
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