I turned a whole 29 years old this year.
People, next year I will be 30. 30!!!!
I guess I better make this last year of my twenties awesome!
This is what Jack wrapped up and gave me for my Birthday. So cute!

The kids sang to me and made me feel special.
Then Vince took me to dinner and Les Mis. Perfect Day.
The next day we kept on celebrating.
We went outside for some fun in the....well, no sun but we still had fun.
Brooke leans when she turns...I love it!
This was Ivy's first time in snow clothes. Best present I could have gotten. What a cutie.
Ivy loves the Barbie Jeep more than words can describe.
That four wheeler is perfect speed for me. I love it.
I love this one of Brooke and Jack!
And now for a cute little snow story.
Girl sees little snow ball. Girl falls down trying to get the snowball.
She has the snowball in her gloves. She is up and can't wait to show it to Daddy.
Girl walks ever so carefully, cradling her snowball.
Best day of her life.
Safety alert: Brooke doesn't seem to be holding on tight to Jack on the 4 wheeler! I'm slightly nervous about this....
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