Sunday, September 30, 2012


Summer is officially over. Vince cleaned out the garage and put all the swim stuff away. 

Oh, but we did swim our little hearts out this summer.  
I promised myself that I would take the kids swimming as often as possible.....and I did goooooood!

We hit up Rigby Lake a LOT! 

Twinner Swimmers!!!

And even did a little swimmin in Grandma Jane's backyard.
 Who needs a swimsuit?

We had a few cousins over for a swim party one day.

I finally took the kids to Rexburg Rapids.
 We left Ivy home and had a great time!

And then if we were bored, I get a sitter again and take the kids to the Lake....again. 

But sometimes the good old backyard is fun too.

And then one day before school started, I LOST MY MIND and decided to take Ivy with us to Rexburg Rapids.

 Ivy was a disaster!!!  But the other kids sure had a great time!

And then, since the Lake is 2 minutes away.....why not hit it up one more time!

Shhhhh.  No one tell Vince how much I spent on Babysitters for Miss Ivy Jane for all those trips to the Lake!!

I mean seriously......

Would you want to take that trouble maker anywhere?
I think not. 

We had a fabulous summer, and the kids were so sad to put away all the swim toys. 

Until next year.....

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I made a skirt for my Fabric Blog and needed a model. 

She did every pose by herself. 

If she is this sassy at three years old, what are her teen years going to be like?
Oh dear me.

The best part of the night was when we came inside from taking pictures and she says,
"Mom, maybe I should have a treat for being so a good smiler in pictures." 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Cousins, Cousins, Here come the boys!"

"Medlem, Mayhem, Noise Noise Noise."
Oh man, if you don't know that song, you obviously didn't grow up in the Wheatley household!
 Grandma & Grandpa Wheatley, Abby, and all the Behunins came to Idaho for a little weekend getaway!
You know, because Rigby is awesome. 

Miss Savannah has a little thing for King Tut and wouldn't you know our museum currently has the King Tut Exhibit.  So they all made a special trip up to see it. 
 Ivy was a real treat at the museum, just like she is everywhere. 

 And, the Wheatley's can't come all the way to Idaho and not stop at Bear World!

 We love Bear World!  It is AWESOME.

The drive through never disappoints.

Abs enjoyed Bear World all snuggled with the kids in the backseat.

This Bear was licking the bugs off this car.... hilarious. 

Mom, don't be mad at this picture, you look awesome!

The petting Zoo is one of my personal favorites. 

2 seconds into the petting Zoo, Jack was looking a hideout.  He is not a fan. 

 He was backed up as far as he could get from the Moose. 

 Grandpa couldn't resist. Poor Piggy. 

Wait a second, is that Jack quickly touching a baby deer, too afraid to actually look at it?
You betcha.

And now, for your viewing pleasure......THE RIDES!

Good times.  
Miss you Wheatleys and Behunins.
Ya all come back now, ya hear!