This is a long post.
Like, really long.
Since this is my journal, I have documented literally every second of the 4 day trip.
It was stressful, dirty, cold, and the most fun we have ever had!
Day 1
We picked up the Motorhome Wednesday afternoon. Got her home, and realized that she had a flat tire.
Had to make a quick trip to the tire store, then we were back home and ready to load her up.
Day 2
Here we go!
Sure, she looks cute here. But she literally SCREAMED for 3 hours, then fell asleep right as we got the park and wanted to get out explore.
The kids worked in the Yellowstone Binders that I spent weeks putting together.
Yellowstone coloring pages, games, and of course a little road trip Bingo.
Every time they saw 2 signs, they got a little surprise. This totally kept them busy and happy, I was so worried because we couldn't watch a movie while driving.
I made a little camping banner for the motorhome and the kids hung it up for decorations.
They loved the little Matchbox Motorhomes I found for them, and the binoculars.
And their hiking backpacks I made.
And I found 3 little Beanie Baby Buffalos on Ebay and they were a hit!
We stopped at the West Yellowstone entrance for a little potty stop and to let Ivy stretch her legs, as she was exhausted from all her screaming.
We finally made it!
The kids were looking for wildlife with one of their surprises, as Ivy finally slept!
Ivy's hairdo was totally perfect for "Old Faithful"
Brooke had a nice little conversation with this log.
Ice Cream at Old Faithful, where a chipmunk ran across my foot and scared me to pieces!
Can you spot Vince and the kids at the Old Faithful Inn?
Our first camp was at the Madison Campground.
This is where we learned that Ivy and camping do not mix!
On Vince's watch she almost fell into the fire and I had to save her.
She was a full time job.
I may have had a little meltdown this night. Let's face it people, I am not a outdoorsy girl.
We loved the Madison campground!
The kids practiced a little fishing
Then we hiked down to a little stream and lake.

Every night, each campground puts on a little show at 9pm at their individual amphitheaters.
Vince and the kids went to the show that night about Wolves, and I stayed back to put Ivy to bed.
She slept behind this sheet up between the front seats of the coach.
And she froze to death.
We all froze to death. We didn't realize until the middle of night #2, (when we could see our breath in the motorhome), that the heater worked off the battery! Hallelujah, night #3 was pleasant!
When the kids got home they got another surprise..matching Bear jammies.
They were so excited to sleep in their bunk beds.
Day 3
Grandma Jane, Grandpa George and cousin Grace drove up for the day to drive around with us.
We were so excited to have them come!
I made the fam matching Smokey Bear Shirts. I couldn't help myself. I have a problem.
Jacks asked to wear his everyday, even after it was filthy. Vince did not, but he is a good sport.
We headed up to Mammoth and found some Elk.
It was so windy, and so cold!
My best Elk impression.
Then we spotted "The 3 Bears"!!!!
A little hike to the Paint Pots.
Brooke hated them, "THEY STINK"!
We took our visitors back to their car, said goodbye, and headed to our next camp, at Grant.
This campground was by far my favorite.
It was right on the Yellowstone Lake.
We saw a sandbar out in the Lake, and the only way to get to it was to cross this log.
Here is Vince contemplating the adventure...
Why not?
Don't you love the look on Ivy's face!
She could sense her immediate danger.
I carried Brooke and my camera across, as Vince snapped a picture with his phone.
So freaky!
We made it!
It was absolutely gorgeous by the Lake.
Jack told me he was an Elk.
I don't know why but I found that moss amazing.
We got back to camp and Jack wanted to do a bit more hiking.
Um Vince, is that baby strapped in?
One of Jack's babysitters told him all about roasting a Starburst. He begged to do it, and he was so excited when I pulled out a roll of them I brought to surprise him!
Oh that little Ivy, she was so much trouble.
That night they went to another show about Bears, they loved it!
Day 4
Oh, this day will live in infamy.
We got up and drove to the bridge that they found the night before walking to the show, we got out of the motorhome, and Brooke threw up everywhere. Nice.
But we couldn't let it hinder our plans, we had a day of fun planned.
So what do you do with a sick little girl....take her to a really stinking and smelly hot pot.
We also made it to my favorite part of Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone!
Since Brooke was sick, we headed to camp early, right after lunch.
Brooke ate a million otter pops.
Vince had a nice little nap.
And the kids played with some of their surprises. Jack is soooo into campers and trailers right now, I just couldn't resist these Little People toys! Again people, it is a sickness.
Ivy napped in the camper and we played a little "Skunk in the Campground". I got the skunk!
This was just a bad night at camp. Ivy was terrible, the terrain was super hilly and she kept falling down everywhere. Brooke could hardly walk because she felt so sick, and our dutch oven dinner took twice as long as we thought it would to cook.
The ground was so uneven, even the motorhome had to do some adjusting. These wheels were about 5" off the ground after the jacks even the thing out.
The ground was so uneven, even the motorhome had to do some adjusting. These wheels were about 5" off the ground after the jacks even the thing out.
I walked around with Ivy as much as I could, and then we resorted to spending the rest of the night in the camper, letting her run around.
Brooke was so sick. I turned around and she had fallen asleep on the couch.
Ivy wanted out so badly. She kept watching the boys through the window and screaming.
It was nice that the motorhome was huge when the bump outs were out, so she had plenty of room to run around and play!
It was nice that the motorhome was huge when the bump outs were out, so she had plenty of room to run around and play!
That night, the boys went to the show and I stayed back to put the girls to bed.
Cut to 2am.
I hear a scratching sound by the bunk beds. I investigate to find some kind of small animal has made it's way into the workings of our motorhome and is now wreaking havoc and making all sorts of noise. I FREAK!!! Wake up Vince, and he was very unconcerned. He spent the next 1/2 hour (because he loves me) outside trying to find out what was going on. He never found our friend, and luckily I never found him inside. Although, the next morning some our treats inside the motorhome had nibbles in them.
Hmmmm. Jack was sure it was Alvin.
Day 5
Let's go home!
Isn't he hot stuff?
The kids finished off their binders.
And played with our puppets.
Brooke's night terrors on the trip consisted of her screaming out the word "Yellow." and then louder, "YELLOWSTONE"!
Jack freaking out when we ran over a chipmunk, as he was afraid it was Alvin.
A chipmunk ran across my foot at Old Faithful and Jack told me it was for SURE Alvin, because it wasn't wearing glasses, and he wasn't chubby.
The kids roasting their"Smarshmallows".
Brooke sleeping in that tiny bed with me and Vince on night #2.
Jack telling me he wished that campers only costed $1.00 so we could buy one.
The French dude laughing at me as I crossed the log with Brooke.
Brooke throwing up. Can't we get through just one trip without vomit!
Ivy running around in the dirt, eating pine cones and giggling with joy.
That dang animal in the camper!
The kids always wanting to ride on the bump outs when Vince moved them.
Me being tossed around like a rag doll when I would get up to help people while we were driving.
Yelling at all the CARS that were parked in the BUS/RV spots. We could never find parking anywhere!
Jack picking up the toy motorhome and looking underneath. Then with disappointment said, "Where are the Jacks?"
*I love every picture!!
*I can't believe you carried Brooke across that log.
*I can't believe you went across the log!!!
*I want you to email me all the pages in your travel book for the kids and your Smokey T-shirt pic!
*I want to play Skunk!
*I wish I could have gone with you!!!!!
This is liz,
How do you have the time to get everything ready? I would barely have enough time to pack clothes let alone matching everything and hiking packs??? You are awesome. Someday when I have time all be able to live up to your standard. I wish I could have been there for the meltdown. I imagine Kate plus 8 in the motorhome episode....
You are darling, you have so much energy and make the rest of us look bad with the prep you did to get ready with binders, shirts, backpacks! Lookis like you guys had a great trip, so much fun.
Looks like fun. Next time I can come with you as your personal helper!
LOVE this post! Thank you for doing an incredibly long post! I thought I was the only crazy one that documented EVERYTHING :) What a fun and adventurous trip! I was just telling Quenalee that next time we come we need to go up there! So did you save your agenda and yellowstone books on your computer?? I sure hope so cause pretty sure I'm going to neeed a copy! Can't believe how ALL OUT you went with your prep for the kids. You're awesome. Missed seeing you in Idaho. Sure hope everyone's feeling better :)
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