Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

 Being a Mom is not easy.
In fact,  I find it very very very very very very very difficult. 

My mom made it look so easy, and even fun.
I wonder if I will ever live up to her legacy. 

 I guess I will just have to wing it.
I will just have to keep apologizing to the kids at the end of each day.
"Sorry Mommy was crazy today."
And try a little harder each day to be a little better.

And be the kind of mom that my girls want to grow up to be.
And hopefully one day make it look it easy and fun.

I sure do love those little stinkers though. 



Kasha said...

You are so beautiful! And you are a great mom! Your kids are so sweet and well behaved, so that's proof :)

Fox Family said...

Such a cute family! P.S. i need to know where you got that dress you are wearing. I love it and i want it!

angie said...

Target Jen Jen, Target.

Ryan, Becca, Brinley Boo AND Casen too! said...

Perfect amount of "very" in the description :) You are such a beautiful Mom with beautiful kids! They are luck to have you!