Friday, May 11, 2012

The Graduate

 Jack has officially graduated from Preschool!

 Apparently it was no big deal to him, check him out all "chill".  Not nervous at all about his lines. 

Waiting in line to say "My favorite thing at Preschool was Shark Day" 

 Mrs. Thompson.  She is the bestest. 

Brooke was dying the entire program.
"How  come I can't sit on those chairs and be in the show!"
 One picture on the chairs after the "show" and she was content.

Ivy was a wiggle worm during the program.

 Jack & Brooke                    Jack & Abby (The girl he told me he "feels special" about)

                               Jack's good buddy Quinn                                 and Taylor from the Ward

They are all such good buddies!

Great job little buddy!
Boy, he sure has grown up since last year!
And he sure has grown some hair!