Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Couples Retreat

 Back in April we went on a little Couples Retreat with Vince's High School buddies and wives.
Those 2 days went by waaaaaaaaay too quickly. 

We dropped the kids off at my mom's and took the group up to the cabin in Park City.

Ruth's Chris anyone?

Ruth's Chris was delish, and so was Kneaders for breakfast!
Ryan and Becca are just too cute.
They flew in from Vegas just for the occasion!

I cooked breakfast Sunday morning.....oh dear. 

The boys did what they do best.....CARDS!

and the ladies did what we do best.....LOOK AWESOME!

Oh yeah, and SHOP!

Fabulous weekend!  We sure missed Devin and Charm, hopefully they can make it next time!
As we have decided this WILL become an annual thing.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Soccer Mom

I signed Jack and Brooke up for Indoor Soccer right around the corner from our house. 
Talk about convenient. 
Inside, close to home, small groups.
Brooke's 6 week PeeWee session just ended, and oh boy is she sad to see it end!
All kicks are better with the tongue out.

 See what I mean?

Forget the friends and running around...she just loved the "juicy" they provided for drinks.
You will never find a girl that likes liquid treats as much as this girly. Never.

 She is such a goober. Maybe we need to have her tongue shortened so it doesn't keep coming out!

These are a hoot.

I love how she goes the wrong way and still thinks she is all that and a bag of chips!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

First Swim of the Season

I'm not sure that we have ever been able to swim in the backyard in May. EVER!
But we aren't complaining!

And what would a swim party be without a bumble bee or two?

Occasionally the wind would catch our little bee friend and nearly take her down!
I know what you're could the wind take that chubber down!
She is a solid piece of deliciousness.

 Do I really have 3 kids?  Sometimes it catches me off guard.

 Brooke is such a stinker, you have to keep an eye on her all the time or you might get a face full of water!

 And sweet little Jack, he just wants to make sure everyone is having a good time.

The setup

We still can't believe it has already hit 80 degrees!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Family Night

The weather was perfect.

 I dragged the kids to Idaho Falls at the last minute to buy this Patio set I saw on Craigslist.
$50 well spent for a Family Night Picnic!

We did a little yard work

And hooked up Ivy's swing for the first time!

An instant hit!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

 Being a Mom is not easy.
In fact,  I find it very very very very very very very difficult. 

My mom made it look so easy, and even fun.
I wonder if I will ever live up to her legacy. 

 I guess I will just have to wing it.
I will just have to keep apologizing to the kids at the end of each day.
"Sorry Mommy was crazy today."
And try a little harder each day to be a little better.

And be the kind of mom that my girls want to grow up to be.
And hopefully one day make it look it easy and fun.

I sure do love those little stinkers though. 


Friday, May 11, 2012

The Graduate

 Jack has officially graduated from Preschool!

 Apparently it was no big deal to him, check him out all "chill".  Not nervous at all about his lines. 

Waiting in line to say "My favorite thing at Preschool was Shark Day" 

 Mrs. Thompson.  She is the bestest. 

Brooke was dying the entire program.
"How  come I can't sit on those chairs and be in the show!"
 One picture on the chairs after the "show" and she was content.

Ivy was a wiggle worm during the program.

 Jack & Brooke                    Jack & Abby (The girl he told me he "feels special" about)

                               Jack's good buddy Quinn                                 and Taylor from the Ward

They are all such good buddies!

Great job little buddy!
Boy, he sure has grown up since last year!
And he sure has grown some hair!