Sunday, October 16, 2011

I Survived


I have included pictures of myself, because apparently I have no dignity left.

We got the hospital about 7:30 Thursday morning, and I was very nervous.
Even more nervous than 2 years ago.
It must be because I knew how awful my life was going to be when the surgery was done.
They made me wear this really weired paper gown thing that seriously weighed like 30lbs.
After 3 attempts at getting the IV in and my hand swelling up 3x it's size, and some tears on my part, it was time.

The surgery was about 4.5 hours this time.  They didn't fix my eyes though due to some scheduling problems.  They removed the lump they found in the ultrasound and then two more lymph node clusters in my neck.
They were so small that they couldn't test them for the cancer while I was out, so we don't know the results yet, hopefully Monday.

Good Morning
This was right after I came out of surgery. Just call me Miss Piggy.

I couldn't get out of bed without almost passing out.  Apparently the surgery has caused some inner ear issues and now I am always dizzy. We are hoping to correct the problem when I go in to get my stitches out next Friday.

This picture was taken after a very traumatic/wonderful moment. 
My drain tube accidentally got ripped out.
It was traumatic.  It hurt.  But I LOVE having that thing out!

I got to come home on Saturday.  And I even got a little bit of sleep last night.
Brooke comes in every few minutes and asks if I am better.
Jack seems very unphased by this.  He is used to it.

And Ivy....
Oh how badly I want to squeeze this little chunker. 
She sits on my lap, but that is about it.  Her hands are a little too wild for snuggling.

This time around I am in a lot more pain.  I am also SUPER swollen.  I look like the Marshmallow Man.
Nothing like finally getting rid of my fat pregnancy face, and then getting it back!

So, for now I am just laying in bed trying to get the room to stop spinning.  Whilst 2 toddlers, my baby girl, and my main squeeze play on the bed around me. 

Good times.


MByram said...

Oh Ang! I am so glad you survived and it all went well, except for the dizzy part. Just stay in looks like you are all having a great time! Take care!

Alicia said...

Thank you for the pictures, I for one love seeing/reading about all the details! I have been checking your blog daily for updates - you are pretty amazing to be updating just a couple of days after surgery! Hope you are feeling better and better as the days go on and that the room stops spinning a lot sooner than next Friday! =) Glad they were able to get everything out, and I really hope you are able to just put this all behind you and not have any more surgeries after this!

Nichole said...

You are so beautiful, so very sweet and such a wonderful mama! I'm so sorry for all you have been through and are going through. Wishing you well!

Denise said...

You look great! Hopefully they will get the dizzy fixed!

tonyandalli said...

Glad to hear you are healing! I'm sorry they couldn't help your eyes too, during the same procedure. (I also do not like anything touching my eyes. Contacts are a challenge!) We'll keep you in our prayers!!