Before my mom went home she helped me take the kids Halloween pictures.
I couldn't have done it without her.
Sunday night we decorated our pumpkins.
I am not big on messes and kids with knives, so a glue gun and candy works best for me.
And they turn out pretty darn cute.
I wanted to do some fun stuff with kids on Halloween during the day..
which means I planned a bunch of stuff and ran around crazy all afternoon and nobody had any fun.
They did enjoy their pumpkin shaped sandwiches for lunch.
And after naps we made Candy Corn Pudding
Which nobody ate.
So we made little monsters with the left over pudding...
which nobody would eat either
In fact, here is Brooke telling me it smells yucky.
Come on, what kids don't like pudding!!!
The Jello Pumpkins were much better received.
My kids have a strange obsession with Jello.
After our Pumpkin shaped pizzas and making a huge pudding mess, we headed out for Trick or Treating!
I was "Nurse Mommy" according to Brooke.
Jack told me to take off my wig because I didn't look like his mommy anymore.
He seemed generally concerned.
Grandma Jane's was our first stop....
She is a hoot.
Brooke LOVED that she was a princess too!
And she was nice enough to take a group shot of the whole fam.
Don't ask how much I had to pay Vince to wear that shirt for me.
What a man will do for his son, right?
Memorable Moments:
We went to 4 houses, and Jack and Brooke were convinced that we were done Trick or Treating, so we went home. I wonder how many more years that will work?
I told the kids they couldn't eat all their candy or they would get sick. Jack came up to me and said, "Mom, can I have more candy because I am not sick yet?"
I think my kids were more excited to hand out candy, then to actually Trick or Treat.
When I took Jack to Preschool in the morning, he told me to make the house spooky while he was gone.
I love Halloween.