I know what your thinking....
How can one pregnant woman look so glamorous?
It's hard work. Picking out the perfect oversized T-shirt can be grueling, but after hours of prep, my 33 week photo is just beautiful.
I might even enter it into a contest.
Hahaha, not so much.
I was waiting until a day that I actually got dressed and looked great to take a photo...but since those days are few and far between, I thought I better document this stage of pregnancy, jammies and all!
Jack literally asks me EVERY DAY...
Mom, when is the new baby gonna get here?
I decided that instead of getting mad at him and saying,
"Jack, I told you 5 minutes ago!"
every few minutes,
I would give him a visual.
50 Links.
50 Days left until D Day!
I am desperately praying that we don't rip off every link of that chain before the "baby", who is still nameless, gets here!
I am hoping there are at least 10 links still on that chain by the time we bring her home.
Wishful thinking.
We are so ready for her to get here.
I am ready to squeeze her.
I am ready to be up all night long.
I am ready to watch Brooke like a hawk!
and most of all,
I am ready for all the "Pregnancy Fun" to be over with, and the "Baby Fun" to begin!
I totally almost did the same thing! I decided I'll do one for J's deployment instead.
Btw, you look fab! I'm still refusing to take any pregnancy-specific pictures. I have a mirror... that's all I need.
What a great idea! I wish I would of thought of that, it's just so hard for kids to understand! Crazy that it is so close, yay! And you are looking fabulous!
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