Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Preschool Graduation

 Jack survived his first year of preschool!

And lucky for him he gets to do it all again next year.  It was a seriously hard decision of whether to send him to Kindergarten and be the youngest in the class, or hold him back one more year and let him be the oldest.
This decision included lots of tears, not from Jack, but from me. 
I don't want to make these kind of life altering decisions for him. Did I really sign up for this? :)
 Although he is sad to say goodbye to his friends who will be going to Kindergarten this fall, he is really excited to attend preschool again.  
He LOVES his teacher Mrs. Thompson!

After the program was over, Brooke was DYING to sit on one those little chairs!

Great Job JACK!!!


Katherine said...

Yay for Jack! Definitely a good decision to have him be the oldest. I was older and loved it. He'll get to date the earliest and right when he graduates it will be mission time. Good choice!

Ryan, Becca, Brinley Boo AND Casen too! said...

So cute! Brinley's graduation is this week, can't wait! When is Jack's birthday? Casen's is July and even though he's not even 3 yet Ryan has already decided we HAVE TO hold him back! We will have to talk about it sometime in he future so I can make a good decision! :)

charm said...

Cutest graduate ever! I'm going to have to make that same decision too... Cash has a June bday, and I'm dreading that decision day. I don't think you'll regret it though. Brin is one of the oldest in her class, and she's done GREAT!

Karla said...

He looks so old!! I love his pic.