Wednesday, January 5, 2011


For the next 6 months, I will refer to myself as

"The Mothership"

This is me today, 11 weeks!

I got all spiffied up just for you guys, jammie pants and all!

I expressed to my OB at my last appointment that I have serious fears about this whole Thyroid thing and my pregnancy. Not the whole Cancer coming back thing, but the whole gaining 400+ lbs thing. 

He said, "Ya, that could happen."  
I was expecting him to say, "Oh, honey, you are so silly, you probably won't even gain a pound."

So he told me I couldn't have any desserts.  
This was 2 weeks before Christmas.
Let's just say, I failed. 

So January 1st I decided to start the no desserts thing,
Let's just say, I failed. 

When you are nauseous and the only thing that sounds good are these babies
(Um, these are lemon squares transformed into little cookies.  Look out, they are fabulous)
There is nothing but trouble ahead.

I am trying though, I swear. 

On a serious note:
The Dr. told me that I am at the same risk for Cancer coming back right now with a pregnancy, as I would be in 20 years (you  know, because cancer loves pregnancies), so there is no need to wait on having a family. 

I just have to be extra careful and not take any new lumps as a joke.


So off the serious note, here is a quick run down of this pregnancy so far:
  • I am nowhere near as sick as I was with the first two. Hallelujah!
  • We are down to 1 migraine a week.
  • At 11 weeks I look about 20 weeks, uh-oh.
  • Yesterday I cleansed my face with Shampoo and washed my hair with Cetephil in the shower. Pregnancy brain has taken over.
  • My eyes have watered uncontrollably this entire 11 weeks. It is unexplainable. I literally have tears rolling down my face I have been asked often if everything is alright. And if you will noticed in the picture above, I don't even wear makeup anymore, because by Noon it is all washed away anyways. Weird. 
  • I am sooooooo tired.  That is a complete understatement. 
  • My morning sickness comes in the evenings. 
  • Jack thinks the baby will come out my belly button, and we will leave it at that. 
  • I often find myself trying to think of ways to hide/giveaway/accidentally burn all the baby clothes that I have saved from Jack and Brooke, as the hubby has informed me that since we have both boy and girl stuff, there will not be a need for shopping!  A shopoholics greatest fear. 
Did I mention that we are ridiculously excited for this baby! Especially since we weren't sure if I would be able to have anymore.  Yay, July can't come soon enough!


kerstin said...

I think you look great! One cute pregnant lady! You are SO tiny there is no way you will gain 400 pounds! :) Now that I know what your secret craving is, I might keep some on hand in case of a lemonade cookie
emergency ;)

charm said...

I can't imagine the stress of thinking your cancer could potentially come back, Ang. My mom and bro in-law are going through that right now too. Call me if you ever want to vent, -k. And I'll keep prayin' for ya! :)
As far as gaining weight goes, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not pregnant and I ate 4 cinnamon rolls today. Seriously, FOUR. I'll do sympathy weight-gain with you if you want... I'm already on that track anyway. :)

mandy said...

So awesome. I doubt you'll gain 400 pounds. If you do, I 'll train all that fat right off of you. You are adorable. I'm so excited for you to have baby #3.

Chris and Cindy said...

Ang, you are funny! You are the cutest pregnant lady.... I just remember how much smaller you were than I was when we had Tessa & Brooke and that was baby #2 for you... You look great! Good luck and I'm so glad that the migraines aren't as bad... yeah!

Liz and John Behunin said...

I am so excited to become an aunt all over again. I can't wait to hold that little bundle.

Katherine said...

I love Byram children! I hope you keep reminding Brooke about Chica so she doesn't forget me

Ryan, Becca, Brinley Boo AND Casen too! said...

YAY! I am so excited for your guys! I had no idea you were even expecting! Your kids are so stinkin adorable I just can't wait to see what baby #3 looks like! And don't you worry about the weight gaining, I am sure you will continue to look amazing! Plus it is one of the many sacrifices we make as mommies! Congrats again :)