Brooke turned 2 on Saturday! And her favorite part was the "boons"!
She got a baby that giggles and coos.
And she decided she better make sure the baby baba was safe.
I found this Beauty Salon at a second hand store and had to have it! We had this same salon growing up and my mom still has it today at her house. They don't make them like this anymore. She loved it, and Jack was pretty excited too!
I spent 40 minutes working at that darn chandelier, and I told Vince I would kill him if he ever took it down.
She knew exactly what to do!
I love how she carried that baby around all day in the crook of her arm.
Birthday Dinner!
She also got a new bike from Grandma Wheatley and I literally had to pry her off that thing!
Happy Birthday Stinky!
Here Mom, these are for you!
Apparently I don't know how to videotape :)
She is so stinking cute. i still wish our girls could play.
And I am so jealous of her pony. Scarlett still barely musters pigs.
Looks like she had a great birthday! The elmo cake looked great! You are hired for Madison and Anne's birthdays ;)
For your own mental health, I highly suggest you now put all real scissors in your house under lock and key. It was that exact princess hair tools kit that inspired Alice at the age of 3 to cut off all of her own hair........with real scissors.
Such a sad, sad period in my life.
Trust me, you don't want your own sad story to tell.
Awwwww.... she's soooooo cute, Ange! I seriously can't believe she's TWO! (And I can't believe how much better she talks than Cashy already. :)
Oh, and I love your pooping pumpkins pics. It's sad that I have to read other people's blogs to remember that Halloween is in 2 weeks! YIKES!
I love videos! They're so big, and Jack is hilarious
I love the video's and yes, we need more of them! Listening to Jack asking if Brooke is going to open all the presents is a keeper!!
I love that salon! I would kill to have that! You got lucky on that one.
Brooke now has the same salon as me! I got it for my third birthday :) I can't believe you found it with all the peices and everything! Its like magic! I miss those children.
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