Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lagoon-Our Disneyland Test

I can officially check Lagoon off our "Summer-To-Do-List!"

We started the day off a little "unsure" of things. If I only could have captured the look on his face when that car started moving.

He got a little bit wet on one of the rides, and wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

Brooke thought everything was fabulous. In fact she squealed like a pig when I tried to get her out of that boat!

By this point in the day, we are all sweating profusely. It was only like 95 or 96 degrees that day!

I know what you are all thinking about this picture....but desperate times call for desperate measures. I pulled the bink out towards the end of the day just for my sanity.

Overall, the kids did great!

Disneyland here we come!

Oh wait a minute.....

First I have to convince Scrooge (who holds the checkbook) that Disneyland won't kill him. was a nice thought.


Karla said...

Maybe we should leave both of our scrooges home and make it a Grandma/Mother/Daughter trip to Disneyland, with the kids of course!

Nichole said...

You are better than I, we have not made it to Lagoon this year, in fact I am not sure we went last summer. We better get that done, but Disneyland would be so much better!

Denise said...

When you figure out how to convince him pass it on, that could be helpful information! Just tell him you are going and if he wants to come he is welcome.

Liz and John Behunin said...

Get on Orange county's Craigslist and you'll find that Disneyland is very affordable.

kerstin said...

Brian says "Hang tough Vince." I on the other hand am a little girl at heart! I LOVE Disneyland and can't wait to take the girls again.

Ryan, Becca, Brinley Boo AND Casen too! said...

We will be taking out kids to Disneyland in September and are super excited... you should come! Lagoon looks like a blast though, I have never been but I bet my kids would love it after looking at your pics!

Cunning said...

I didn't see dip-n-dots- tell me you didn't forget those!

charm said...

Sounds familiar! I might.... key word MIGHT have started convincing Devin about Disneyland. The trick is to mention it over... and over... and over! (And do it in front of other people who HAVE gone. They will inevitably put their two-cents in on how FUN and AMAZING it was!) Good luck in the process... :)

Lindsay said...

this is perfect, RIch and I are planning a disneyland trip this next winter, maybe that would get vince to go if rich was going too? lets scheme, I bet we can make this happen.

Marcie said...

Did you seriously compare Lagoon to Disneyland? Kind of sacreligious:)

. Actually in all fairness I haven't been to Lagoon for at least 18 years.......however, it's getting more and more difficult to convince my kids it is dirty and not fun. We do have to drive by it every time we drive to Grandma's.

Tell Vince that if Jim or I found out we were dying tomorrow, we would take our kids to Disneyland today........there is nothing better than experiencing Disneyland through the eyes of your own kids. pure magic.