Wednesday, July 29, 2009


After living in Utah all my life (well, most of my life) I finally made the horrendous drive from my parent's house (20 minutes) out to see Kennecott Copper Mine. You would think that at some point in Elementary School we would have taken a field trip out there, maybe I was sick that day.

Nobody makes a big deal about it anymore, but I thought it was really cool. A HUGE hole, how cool is that! Jack was also very impressed by the big trucks.
And now for the EXCITING NEWS......

After months of training, Brooke is finally mobile!
It was super exciting at first, but now I wish she would just sit still.


Kent/Sue Adams said...

We would love to have you come visit and go to the water park!

The Taylor's said...

Hum..I didn't know that you could actually go to the copper mines- I had heard of it, but didn't know it was an attraction. Good to know. Yeah for Brookelle! Grass is always greener though isn't it. We should all do dinner one of these nights.

Karla said...

I miss the kids! Come back!

Brittney said...

nope, we make huge fat babies. She just hit 8 months!!!