We didn't do anything extremely exciting over the weekend, but here is a recap.
Spring has come a little early at our house as I have decided to do some deep cleaning. I started with my closet. It had become a mess over the last year with a mixture of maternity clothes and regular clothing. I finally said "Goodbye!" to those saggy butt maternity jeans. I am so glad to get them out of the closet.
You may be thinking that this still doesn't look very organized, but you should have seen it before!
Vince will kill me if he sees this, but I had to share with all of you his obsession with belts. He won't let me fold and organize his pants, but heaven forbid I touch his belts. He keeps them very organized. He still has three more you can't see. I think I own 2 belts. You would think he would take better care of his ties that are on the right, draped over a hanger. I guess we are all OCD about something, right?
We took the kids to Ruby River and surprisingly, they were both very good. Jack didn't throw any kind of fit and Brooke slept the whole time. I think we were in and out within 45 minutes.This is what happens when you go to Grandma's, have a "blow out" diaper and soil your clothing beyond recognition. I am usually very prepared with extra clothing in the diaper bag, but we left in such a hurry to go to dinner, I forgot. Luckily we found an extra blanket and some pins. I'm sorry Brooke!

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